Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Prep & Landing

So when I saw this for the first time I couldn't help but think that my family would enjoy it also. Little did I know my daughter Bailey would fall in love with the elf movie, as she calls it, and would want to watch it almost every night when I get home. Not that this is a bad thing, I truely enjoy spending whatever time I do get with my family any way they would like. Besides when I see her face light up or her sitting with her brother in the chair (all snug in their beds), it really tugs those heart strings.

You see Prep & Landing came at a good time for me as I've been dealing with alot of stress and now health issues (shhh: High Blood Pressure). So when I did have a chance to slow down I watched this little Disney show. As I watched it I thought to my Saturday Morning Men's group I go to at church and how we just talked about "Entitlement" and how we all tend to think that we are due to a better life than what we have just for what we've done.

People: We haven't done anything!

For me: my kids, wife and I still have a lot to learn in life and we have a lot to give and just when we think we've given enough the Big Guy tends to give us something new to work on.
  • I know I'm doing good with my walk with God but I can't quote you specific verses besides John 3:16. I know a lot of them I just can't tell you where to go, specifically, to find them. =Work on being in His word and a student of His ways.

  • I know I have a few friends (370some on Facebook) but I don't really know any of them as well as I should. =Work on being with people.

  • I know I'm married and I have a loving wife that cuddles and kisses but as we taught the Fire Proof study I couldn't help but think I'm barely out of grade school when it comes to knowing everything about my wife. =Work at being a better husband.

  • I know my kids love me and look up to me but they're both under the age of 4 and I'm only just begining. =Work at becoming the teacher, mentor and leader they will need in life.

  • I know in order to do these things listed above I need to give up a lot of things I may have had planned in life or things that are not bennificial to anyone but me. =Work at living a selfless life.

There are a ton of more things I could list here but as Wade (Call Sign: Little Drummer Boy) finds out in Prep & Landing, what we do is not about us or where we are at in life. It has to do alot with who we're with and how they're effected. So here's to the end of this year and to the begining of a new one. How should we make it through 2010, by using Bailey's most used quote:

"Laughing all the way my friend, laughing all the way."

P.S. The link to watch the show is posted but if it does not work for you copy and paste this one:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Giving in a time of economy yuckiness

Christmas will be here soon before we all know it. It sneaks up on us even though it comes the same time and day every year. This morning when I left the house my van needed to be warmed up to clear the frost away, it was a chilly one at 34 degrees. I am ready for snow. I love the snow. I may not be ready for 22 inches of snow again like we had last year, but I am ready for snow.

This blog is a little different than most, due to I usually dicuss what my family has been up to lately. I can tell you a little what we have been doing but want to focus on giving and what that means to me. We have our tree up, decorations done, and lights were hung a few days ago. My husband had gone and bought LED lights this year $80 worth I know it would have saved maybe some money in the long run, but I made him take them back, okay I did not make him, he knew we could not keep them. We needed the extra cash to try and get our emergency fund back up so we are not tredding water anymore. We need to live like no one else so we can live like no one else in the long run of things. Dave Ramsey quote for you all. We have tried to do his money makeover but have selfish desires take over. Well, when your husband's health has a little spin to it and you have to try and make a little cash go a long ways until next pay period, there is nothing more than to get rid of our selfish desires and take control of our finances. Since making certain decisions lately that will change our future down the road, we know it is just a season in our life we will overcome through God's grace and love for us. God gave his son for us and we are forgiven of our sins. I am so thankful I have Jesus as my Savior. I would definitely be in a different place than I am today if I did not have him. God has given us a second chance to get our finances under control. We do not have credit card debt anymore, but have a tough mortgage payment due to our choices we made 2 years ago. God has blessed us in so many ways and he always has provided our needs. Our church this holiday season has showed me in so many ways how to give back to the community in not always financial ways but other ways. GCCC is giving away Christmas trees this Saturday for those who have lost their job, A Tree for All is what they have called it. Our small group will be giving in some way back to the community with a service project. I am so blessed for the church my family is apart of they are so giving in so many ways and are truly passionate about reaching the lost.

We have been teaching Bailey about giving and she took so hardly used toys to church last weekend to give to our Peru Mission to the children. I had her put the toys in the box to give. Bailey came to me the other day and said we needed to take some canned food to her preschool. Her preschool is collecting food for the local food bank. I am so thankful for this holiday season and for us as a family financially are working through our tough times but realize their are other families who have had to go through some really tough times this last year.

"Be Still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sister's Simplicity and Thankfulness

My little boy and what he has been up to lately. He loves the fireplace hearth.

My sister and I have been making cards for awhile now. We love it. We just got back into the swing because my mother-in-law placed a big order with us. We made 20 Christmas cards for their business and 25 assorted cards. We have had so much fun coming up with new ideas and enjoying our time together. My brother-in-law just made a fan page for us off of facebook since everyone is connected this way. We will offer specials in the near future. I have found though I need to get caught up on my scrapbooking of my children. I recently finished Bailey's book which was a year in the making. No one says you have to have a time limit on scrapping thank goodness. I went for the first time to a scrapbookers convention where you buy stuff. It was overwhelming indeed. I got some pretty good deals though and I did not spend a lot of money. Our cards are in a few shops around the area. On Thanksgiving I will be taking pictures of my kiddos and then I will be off to a great start making my Christmas cards for all to enjoy. It is crazy that Thanksgiving is in 2 days. I wish you all a Happy Turkey day and be thankful for what God has blessed you and your families with this year. I am thankful for my husband who rocks in so many ways, my adored children who are the best thing a mommy could have, healthy family, and family and friends, thankful for an awesome church we attend too. Have a good one!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Back at blogging-Happenings at the Anderson house

Sorry for those who used to read my blog or attempted to. I am back on. We had some computer virus that would not let me get on my blog for some wierd reason. I hope this took care of it.

Hudson is now almost 10 months old. I don't know where time went. Bailey is 3 1/2 yrs. old. Bailey started preschool in September and loves it and her teacher. Bailey can now say the pledge of allegiance which I think is totally cool. She said the pledge this morning at breakfast with placing her hand on her heart but no flag around. I have to remind myself that she is only 3 and not 3 going on 10 yrs old. Bailey dances on Wednesdays now for an hour and loves her pre-dance class. We have seen last years recital DVD just a handful of times :) We will be starting to get ready for the Christmas season soon. She wants it to snow. We have been getting a lot of rain, oh Seattle how I love thee!

Hudson is crawling, standing with support of anything and everything. He loves the bathtub and taking baths. Hudson jabbers a lot and can say, hi, mama, dada. He waves to people and loves to clap when he hears music. Hudson is totally different than Bailey ever was as a baby. He is more curious about everything and puts everything in his mouth. I have had to move a lot of my decorative things aside or away from his reach. He is eating lots these days. He was not big into baby food which is good, because it is expensive. He has been teething for months now, which I hope will soon pass soon. It feels like forever since I had a decent nights sleep, oh mommyhood. I would not trade it for the world though, you other SAHM's know what I mean. I need to get off to bed since he is sleeping right now. I will try and blog at least once a week now as long as things keep working right.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

MIA-Fall Happenings

I bet everyone thought she will never blog again. I thought too. We have been having computer virus errors on my side of the computer and I have tried getting onto my blog through my husbands side and no luck either. I am on vacation and thought I would try my inlaws computer. It works, stinky virus!!! I have not blogged since July I believe. A lot has happened since then. Hudson is now 8 months old and standing up and crawling everywhere. I can't keep in out of anything. He has also ventured to finding our stairs he climbs 2 of them. He loves cords so daddy has had to baby proof everything. What is it with boys and cords and electrical stuff? I love Fall it is one of my favorite times. I decorated before leaving on our trip to Minnesota and Nebraska. All that is left to do is go to the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins. We go to The Farm in Snohomish WA. Love it there. It will be our 3rd yr. there. They have a cow train, corn maze of the State of WA, fishing for kids, petting zoo of lots animals, duck race, pigs,etc. They have an awesome gift shop that I could buy lots of stuff if money was not an issue. Corn on the cob that is yummy and other yummy food. Our camera broke too so I have not posted any recent photos of the kids and our family so sorry. Hope to get a new camera soon. I miss taking pics of my kids. Hudson also has been talking his favorite words are "dada, mama, and bababa whatever that means. Bailey started preschool this Fall which she loves. On the first day of school she did not even kiss me goodbye, made me sad. I will post some pics when we get a new camera and I will try and stay up on this a little more. That is all the news I have so far. Oh, Hudson has 2 teeth on the bottom, working on more. I hope he sleeps soon.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oh The Funny Things Kids Say.....

Bailey is 3 years old. 3 year olds are so funny to me. Maybe not all 3 year olds are like this but she keeps life pretty interesting. One evening recently she was in the bathtub and asking about boobs, or for correct terms breasts. Bailey did not like that her boobs were small. I told her when she gets bigger she will probably have bigger ones. Bailey told me she did not want big boobs she wanted princess boobs. I cracked up! I then had to proceed and ask what princess boobs were, I was very curious. Bailey said like, Cinderella, Ariel, Aurora. I then said, "oh."

Yesterday we were talking about eyes and I told her I love her blue eyes and that daddy has the same eyes. Bailey said she did not want blue eyes and wanted pink eyes. Can you guess what her favorite color is?

We have been recently reading out of her children's bible almost everyday. She loves to hear the stories and talk about them. Last night she said she liked Jonah so I discussed with her the story of Jonah and getting swallowed up by a whale because he did not obey God when he was asked to go to Ninevah. I learn more from reading out of her children's bible then mine sometimes. I can remember the stories better and what God is trying to teach us.

My friend scored 4 free tickets to the Wiggle concert. Bailey loves the Wiggles. She had a great time, but was getting tired toward the end of the concert. Bailey wanted to see them on the floor seats, and kept asking to go down there and why we could not go down and see them. I took lots of pictures. She danced and sang a lot of their songs. It was a Wiggley good time. One of the better kid shows I have seen. Bailey and her friend Clara had a great time. I will post pics later.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July, July, July????? My Heartstrings!

It is actually July. I don't know where June went at all. June was busy with birthday parties, my nephew being born, and Summer beginning. July 4th is gone. We had a great one! Bailey and her cuz Sophie were in their first parade in Bothell. They rode in the bike trailer while Jon pulled them through the parade. Bailey made out great at the parade with all the hard candy they throw out. Whoever designed hard candy, was not thinking about little ones. I always think hard candy is a choking hazard, oh well. We went to our friends Dan and Miriah's to watch fireworks and to eat some more. I felt all I did on the 4th was eat. I do not want a hotdog or a hamburger for a long time.

I woke up this morning to Hudson wanting some milk at 3am, then wanting to go back to sleep I laid there and tossed and turned. This usually means I need to pray. I even told God I am tired and want to go back to sleep, but he had other plans for me. I was up until 5am and then Hudson woke up again and ended up in my bed. God was pulling at my heartstrings and I felt challenged by our high school youth pastor who gave the message for Dan this last weekend. The challenge was talking to someone about being a christian and asking them if they want to be a christian. Praying for the lost. I thought of someone and God clearly showed me what I needed to do. This sounds good and all, terrified of this!!! Brian our high school youth pastor said tell them your experiences. I can tell about my experiences it made it seem easier anyways. I read in my devotion this morning after reading my bible in Matthew 18:12-14 "If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?" God is talking about people wandering. At the end of my devotion it said, Today there are more than four billion sheep outside the Shepherd's fold. Half of them live so far out of the fold that there are no representatives of the Shepherd nearby. If we want to be in tune with God's priorities, we must pray, give, train, tell, send, go-and never rest-as long as sheep are outside the fold. The devotion totally hit home for me today. Now I am clearly aware why I was not resting at 3am this morning.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

5 Month old pictures of Hudson and the Family

We went down and saw Ruth in Renton on Saturday and she took some amazing shots of Hudson and our family. I can't hardly wait to see the rest of them. I have already made up my mind to make our converted garage into another family room so I can hang more pictures of my family. I am running out of wall space. My family is my life and I love to look at the photos everyday, especially the ones Ruth has taken. Ruth is an amazing photographer. I have to do the other room cheap, cheap!!! I am going to find some bummer paint, paint that people got mixed up but decided they did not like it or did not work. I will then look on Craig's list to find freebies. I will try and do the whole room for $50 or less. I don't know if this is possible but I will sure try since our budget does not allow for it. We need more space for family gatherings so this will be great. We have to find register heaters because there is no heat source in the other room, may be chilly in the winter. If you have any ideas let me know. I will show you before and after shots. I guess I am bored and want a new project. You would think 2 kids keep my busy enough, and they do that is for sure. I will hopefully have this project done by the end of summer. I guess I am giving myself a due date because it may never get done if I do not.

This last weekend we saw my Uncle Tim and Aunt Katie's home in Buckley WA. They have a beautiful house with beautiful landscape. Bailey got to pick strawberries and we had homemade strawberry shortcake. Bailey had a swing set to play on and a hot tub to swim in, needless to say she did not want to go home. Thanks for the great time Tim and Katie we had so much fun. This summer is just rolling by. We are gearing up for the 4th of July. Bailey and her cousin Sophie are appearing in the Bothell Children's parade on the 4th of July. They are riding in a bike trailer that Jon is going to bike them down the parade path. We will be decorating the mini float this week. I will have to take pictures and post them. Happy 4th of July to all and may you have a safe one! The Anderson's

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Around the Anderson House

We have been busy this Summer. I can't hardly believe that it is the middle of June. Seattle has had beautiful weather so far. We have been going to the spray park at Willis Tucker, great park for the kids. Bailey loves the spray park, does not like to get water in her eyes but fun. She likes the sandbox the best. Bailey has also climbed up to the top of the rope tower at the park, her daddy showed her this. I get a little nervous watching her do it, but she loves to climb. We have had a few birthday celebrations, new nephew was born June 2nd, Josiah Jeffrey. He is a cute one I must say. We tried are first drive-in theatre experience. It was fun, but the movie choice wasn't the best. Pixar's the movie Up. Bailey did not care for it. Bailey loved the fact she got to stay up late and eat candy and popcorn while sitting in the back of the van with the back open. Hudson did not go to sleep until 10pm, he was liking the fresh air and the movie too. Hudson is almost 5 months old. He will be having his 5 month old pictures taken soon with Ruth. I will post these once we get them. He has changed so much. He loves to smile and laugh, especially at his sister. He rolls over from back to tummy, he has found his voice at 6am in the morning. I think he may be starting to teeth, we drool on everything and put anything in our mouth.

Bailey and I have made playdoh. It was a little messy but fun. Bailey has her dance recital this weekend. I am glad I get to sit back and watch it happen. Last year I had to participate in the mommy and me class. Bailey loves to dance and enjoys seeing her friends at dance class. We hope all of you are having a great Summer. To all the Dads out there, Have a Happy Father's Day!!!! I love my husband and the father that he has become.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Party at Church

Did I read that right? We had a party at church this morning. Our church was giving out $100 bills and Jon and our family took the challenge. Life Together was the message this morning. Together we can build this church. Our church started a building fund awhile back and when the economy flipped the bank backed out of the funding. Gold Creek has an active building permit. The challenge that our pastor put out to us was our church needs $4 million dollars to complete the rest of our building project. Our pastor has no idea where this money is coming from but he knows we have a God that can do all things and hopefully this money can multiply. We have dirt that needs to be moved for more church space. Gold Creek Community Church is growing by each Sunday. As a family through the summer we will be doing a carwash, selling lemonade, and many other things to turn the $100 of investing to something way bigger. I will continue to pray for this $100 to multiply and I am excited for the challenge. Psalm 61:8 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

If you have any ideas of how to multiply the $100 I would take them.


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Newspaper Article:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

4 Months Old- Hudson Tait

My boy is already 4 months old. Can I turn back time? I want the little infant again. Okay there was nothing little to begin with since he weighed in at 9 pounds 14 ounces. He is already rolling over from back to belly. Hudson gets upset though if he is on his belly for too long. Hudson is the most mellow easy going baby I have ever met. I am not biased either. We lay him in his crib for naps and bedtime and pull his elephant tail thing that plays music and off to sleep he goes. I love giving him kisses and telling him to have a good sleep. He wakes up twice during the night to breastfeed and then right back to sleep. I know what you are all thinking, she has it good!!! I really am truly blessed with my children. Hudson has also started to like to chew and suck on anything you give him, toys and he loves his thumb. I can't take the thumb away so I guess if it soothes him back to sleep I am okay with that. I take Hudson in for his 4 month appointment the second week of June due to my sister having her boy June 2nd for a scheduled C-Section. Our boys will be 5 months apart. Josiah Lamer is on his way! I am going to guess Hudson weighs at least 20 pounds, my back says he weighs 20 pounds. He loves to smile and just hang out. He likes it when I sing to him and when his sister talks to him in his carseat. This morning Bailey wanted Hudson to sit next to her in the big chair in the livingroom and Bailey read him the little baby bible, Guess How much I love you, and a Tractor book. Of course Bailey cannot read but started singing "Jesus Loves Me." She almost made me cry. It was the sweetest thing ever. They keep me going and keep me smiling. I love my kiddos so much.

Thought for the day: Time goes on, take each little moment like the little moments mentioned above and be thankful.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sister's Simplicity Cards

Just when I think that my life could not get any busier it becomes more of a blessing. As a stay at home mother of two I like to find time to do something I enjoy doing. Scrapbooking and making cards is my hobby. My sister and I have been to a few card making classes and really enjoyed them and thought... what if we were to try and sell our cards. We know we will not be making millions here, but enjoy the hobby and enjoy the time together, this is the blessing part. We were tired of paying high end prices for cards and could not afford expensive cards anymore. A handmade card is much more meaningful than a store bought card, we seem to think so. You can write your own thoughts and message in one of our cards. Check out our website and you can email us if you have any questions. The website is up and running but is in the making: Our email is We are very excited about this and will be at the Farmer's Market on Wednesdays at Park Ridge Community Church- Maltby Road and 35th Street Bothell, WA starting June 3rd from 4-8pm through September. I will be posting a few photos of our cards. God is good and I am so truly blessed!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Celebration

Yesterday we dedicated both Bailey and Hudson at Gold Creek Church. Child dedication or should be more appropriately called parent dedication, we want to bring up Bailey and Hudson according to God's word and his will for our children. It was a beautiful morning. I was greeted in bed by my 3 year old Bailey, with a Mother's day card she made me. She had painted a picture and my husband helped her draw pictures all over it and they wrote their appreciation on the card. Bailey also made me a flower picture in Sunday school with her hand print painted on it. I will be framing this one. We had a brunch after church with our family to celebrate Mother's day and the kids dedication. We took my mom home to Ferndale later in the day and had Sonic, one of my fav's. Cherry Limeades are my favorite and icecream to top it off before heading home. I probably indulged a little too much. My husband took a scenic road home. To top off the day my hubby made me a panini sandwich and we sat as a family and watched the season finale of Amazing Race. I love being a mom to Bailey and Hudson. They are God's gifts to me. Motherhood has changed my life their are no words to explain it. Each morning when I wake up and I see my children's smiles nothing more can bring me greater joy than this. I hope all mom's had a Happy Mother's day.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Walk

The walk for March of Dimes was great. The weather was perfect for a walk by the waterfront walking toward Seattle and the Space Needle. What a humbling experience for me. I am so blessed to have two healthy children when they were born with no complications. I did not realize how often there are preemie babies and babies born with so many problems and have to fight to survive. Walking with friends and for friends gave me a jolt. It was so great to see all the walkers who were walking for friends, family, or their own little ones. My heart goes out to all of the families who have endured a loss of a child, or a child who had complications at birth. "My strength is in you Lord." I raised $50 for MOD. I hope next year I can triple that!!! Thanks to all who donated.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here is the Link for March of

Click here to help me reach my goal!

March of Dimes Walk

I am walking this Sunday, May 3rd at Qwest field, 3.5 Miles. I will be walking for my friends Joe and Carlene Vaule who I attend church with at Gold Creek Community Church. Their little girl Hope went to be with the Lord on March 22, 2009. My heart goes out to Carlene and Joe. They are in my prayers and thoughts. Their faith remains strong in the Lord to get them through this. If you want to contribute to the March of Dimes here is the link.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Headbands, Princess stories, and sweetness

Bailey loves to wear her hair down. I like it when it is not in her face and all crusty and sticky from stuff getting into it. Bailey only lets my mom and my sister cut her bangs and we are growing the rest out. Bailey has only had 2 haircuts since birth. I used to make a fuss about her hair, but then realized I should choose my battles wisely. I love her strawberry blonde locks. Bailey has to wear her hair up for dance class on Thursday mornings and has to wear it nicely for church on Sundays. This seems to be the agreement or I should say the not talked about hair-to-do. I have recently discovered her liking for headbands. This is a fun one because I found her first one at OshGosh on sale for $3 in some odd change, which matched her cute flower shirt she likes to wear from OshGosh. I then found another one to match her Easter dress which she wore to church. The likeness of headbands is growing in our house. I hope we can keep this one up for awhile.

Last night I got home from my women's bible study group and she said she missed me. I was only gone for 2 hours and have not left her home with daddy in awhile and she missed me. I love that! This is what is all means to be a mom. She wanted a bedtime story at 9:30pm, since she waited up for me. I told her it was too late for a book, but that I would tell her a story about a Princess named Bailey. As you can guess, it was a story about her. She loved the story so much she wanted me to tell her another one. A mom's imagination only goes so far. I thought going to Nordstrom's to buy Prada shoes for $350 with pink sparkle rinestones would be out there but I guess she wanted more! A girl can dream.

Bailey is really into telling me she loves me which just makes me sparkle and smile. I will have to remember this when she is 13! Bailey is so sweet when someone is hurt or in pain. She is a very caring little girl. I love her so much.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Brother and Sister

Happenings at the Anderson Household. Hudson is now 10 and a half weeks old. Where does the time go? I love being a mom to these two wonderful little ones. They make my life so complete. What did I do before having kids? We had the yuckies visit our house and now we are finally all starting to feel better. I do not like it when my kids get sick. I felt so helpless as a parent. One day we stayed in our pj's all day. Bailey loved this idea. It was nice to sit around and do nothing. I would say I did nothing but then that would be lying to you. Easter is this weekend. I love Spring and I love Easter. Bailey and I were working on her Resurrection Eggs she got from her Grandma Pat and Papa Larry when they were out visiting. When it came to the cross one, Bailey said "Jesus died on the cross." It almost brought me to tears. For a three year old to repeat and say what she has learned was amazing to me and to her dad. It is not about the Easter bunny and the eggs. Easter is about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and rising from the dead three days later. Our Savior is amazing! Easter Blessings to all!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Nudge.....

This past week was a hard one. Through the rough times I saw God shining through. A dear friend of mine in my women's small group bible study lost her baby girl 3 weeks from her due date. I was and still am deeply saddened by the news. I cannot even fathom what she and her husband has gone through. Prayer keeps them going. I diligently prayed for them throughout the week and continue to pray for them. After having my own little one 9 weeks ago this continues to be on my heart daily. I saw them both on Saturday when I took them dinner. I saw enormous strength in my friend. Strength I don't know that I would have or ever will have like she did.

On Wednesday of last week I had a "Pay It Forward," moment. I was getting my sister and I Starbucks in the afternoon on Wednesday at a Starbucks we do not routinely go to. I was in line and there was a couple behind me. I heard her say, "I can't use my card." I then heard him say to her as he was pulling out a few dollars from his wallet, "Where did my other money go?" I heard a little more from him that he had $2 and she had some change. Well, we all know when we go to Starbucks it cost more than $2 usually. I felt a nudge......God wanted me to help them out. I paid for my Starbucks and took over some of the extra wadded up money and said, " Coffee on me." The gal smiled and said that is so sweet, and accepted the cash and stood in line to get her coffee. The best moment for me though was when I was standing to wait for my order she paid for hers and looked over and mouthed "thank you." I mouthed back "your welcome." As I was leaving with my order, she was waiting for hers and said "have a nice day." I said the same to her. This moment was just what I needed for this week. That night I got in a bind with our van key and a dear friend of mine came to the rescue. Wow, a nudge! Enjoy your week. God is Good!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Princess Party, Need I say More.

Bailey had her princess party this last weekend and boy oh boy I think it was a hit. We had 6 princesses running around our house. They made princess castles out of recyclable materials, colored Cinderella pictures, ate pizza, present time, and ate princess castle cake. After all said and done, it was a success but I was pooped! I forgot how much work birthday parties are. We all had a lot of fun. Bailey's grandparents from Grand Island Nebraska came and visited for the weekend event and to see their grandson for the first time. Bailey ended up getting 4 Barbie dolls. I thought barbie dolls came later like at age 7, but at 3 years old she has 4. She got a lot of Princess type gifts too. I now will be going through old toys to find what we can get rid of for our garage sale that will happen in May. Enjoy the rest of the day. We are going to the mountains this weekend with friends. It will be a great get-away since we have no funds for extended trips like going on a cruise, or California, or somewhere hot and sunny. My aunt and uncle's cabin is the best for a weekend get-away. It only costs us gas to get up the mountains. Thanks Aunt Yvonne and Uncle Bill for letting us stay up there, looking forward to it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bailey Turned 3 Today!

My little girl turned 3 years old today. Wow, I do not know where the time went at all. Bailey is 3 going on 10 sometimes. What I mean by that is....she says the darnest things and acts sometimes so much bigger than what she is and what she comprehends amazes Jon and I. Her birthday started out with cinnamon rolls with birthday candles on a Princess plate and streamers on the chair and a Princess tin purse that she wanted with $3 inside. She was so excited this morning when she woke up to her birthday breakfast. Bailey is having a princess party with her little girlfriends this weekend. Bailey's grandma and papa are also visiting from Nebraska to see her and her new baby brother.

I kept a surprise from Bailey since Saturday. If any of you know me, I don't keep surprises very well. I have to tell someone about the surprise. Bailey is totally into firefighters, fire trucks, what kind of equipment firefighters use to fight fires, etc. I have a friend who works at the Bothell Fire Department, thank you Lisa who gave Bailey a tour of one of her most favorite things right now, the fire house where the firefighters hang out. Bailey's facination came from watching Fireproof with Daddy and Mommy. She only saw parts of this movie when Kirk Cameron fights the fires and started asking questions and would not stop. The Bothell Fire Department was so kind to Bailey. Bailey got a fire hat, coloring book, and a little Easter Bunny from Firefighter Mr. Kirk Robinson. Bailey told Kirk all about her Princess party she will be having this weekend and some. Firefighter Kirk made Bailey feel right at home at the fire department with letting her sit in a firetruck with him to showing her the lights on the truck and his firefighter gear, totally cool!

It was a lot to take in for a 3 year old, but she will be talking about this one for awhile. Thanks again to Bothell Fire Department. Bailey wants to be a firefighter when she grows up, is what she tells mommy and daddy. We would be more than proud of her if this is what she wants to do. Bailey knows about fire extinguishers, fire alarms in our house, and what to do in case of a fire. She crashed on the way home this evening due to no nap because the birthday day continued with dinner at her great grandma's house, opening presents, and eating cupcakes! I am attempting a Princess castle cake this weekend, stay tuned for pictures.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Photography By Ruth

We had professional photos done when Hudson turned 3 weeks old. Ruth did an amazing job and with our family. Ruth took 3 hours of her day to spend with our family capturing moments of our family and children. Bailey does not like to have her pictures taken. Bailey warmed right up to Ruth. I love photos, especially photos of my children. Ruth is out of the Renton area in Washington. She also does Senior portraits, maternity photos, and much, much, more. Take a look at her website and our current photos. Hudson is the password. Her website is Thanks again Ruth for doing an amazing job with our family photos.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

4 1/2 weeks old

Wow, does time fly when you have 2 kids! I have not had a chance to blog more due to being mommy to 2 wonderful children. Hudson will be 5 weeks old this Sunday. I try and take in every moment of the baby stage with him. I love to watch him sleep, eat, swing, and look all around when he is not doing any of the above mentioned things. Bailey is a huge help around the house and with Hudson. Bailey says, "I am glad we had a baby." I tell her, "me too." Bailey is very much into the why, how, what, where???? stage in life right now. Bailey loves to ask questions about fire trucks, fire, fire extinguishers, fire alarms etc. We have ventured to the library to try and find books on fire, DVD's etc. We only found one book and one movie, but they have kept her content so far. We were shopping one day in Carter's store for children's clothing and she found an extinguisher and said, "mommy this is like the one on my puzzle." She wants to be a firefighter when she gets older, she is almost 3 so we will see how many times her occupation changes until adulthood.

A princess party is in the making for her 3rd birthday. I will be making a Princess castle cake. I love making her birthday cakes. Last year she was into trains so I made a train cake, it turned out better than what I imagined it could. We will see what happens to the Princess cake. She has her Grandma Pat and Papa Larry coming from Nebraska to see her for her birthday and to visit Hudson too. I am going to keep this post short, because I need to get a few more things done before the kiddos wake up from their naps. I love being a mom, even though some days are challenging. God has blessed me with 2 amazing children.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Breastfeeding 101

I am a devoted breastfeeding mom. I breastfed Bailey my oldest until she was 17 months. It was harder for me to give up than her. It was the best thing for her though. Bailey rarely gets sick whether that has anything to do with breastfeeding her that long I do not know but I will bet on it. Since my new little one Hudson has arrived. Breastfeeding has been something I have had difficulties with and set backs. Hudson did not take to me for the first 24 hours of his life. I thought something was wrong with me, my boobs, my milk, something drastic. Hudson took in a lot of fluids when he was born and spit that up for the first 24 hours of life. He had to have formula due to his blood sugar being low, which he spit that up too. I told my husband before leaving the hospital I wanted to get him to latch on to me with no problems. A lactation nurse came in and he had no problems latching on.... so what was I doing wrong.

At home for the first 3 weeks Hudson has and continues to have difficulties latching on. God has been my rock through this. I have been in tears sometimes and almost given up, but then God reminds me to keep going and trying, Hudson will eventually get it. In the first week of life at home one day it took Hudson almost 45 minutes to latch on to get his milk intake for the morning. I was in tears and crying out to God to help me and to help him. I tell Hudson, "you can do it." Already cheering on my little guy just so he can eat! I got a call later that day from a neighbor who attends our church. She asked and had heard I had Hudson and wanted to make sure all went well. She also told me over her baby monitor she picked up some of our frequency and heard me when I was trying to feed Hudson. She asked if he was having problems latching on and figured it was Hudson and me that she overheard on her monitor. She said she prayed for me and for him because she had difficulties with all of her children in the breastfeeding department. Wow, stop and think.....This is truly answered prayers and God working in my life to strengthen me more through this difficult time. Praise God!!!!

A week later I woke up with a very tender breast and felt total engorgement. Through church it started hurting way worse than just engorgement. I then cried into my husband's arms after church telling him something was wrong with my breast. I called the lactation nurse at the hospital and left a message. I prayed she would get back to me soon. I was in a lot of pain and in tears. I could not feed Hudson on my right side it hurt so bad, I could pump on that side. The nurse called me back within 30 minutes. After hearing my message she was pretty sure that I had a clogged milk duct. I was relieved to know the pain was not just in my head. For the next 24 hours I put warm compresses on my breast and used olive oil on a cottonball at the end of my nipple to help open the milk duct up. Within 24 hours, I was feeding Hudson on the right side again. Praise God again!!! Hudson does much better with latching on, but I still stop and pray many times when things get difficult and when things are going good with breastfeeding. I am not one to really open up about the whole breastfeeding thing, but it is the experience I like to share where I put my trust in God alone. Breastfeeding is such a beautiful gift God gives woman and I am thankful I can breastfeed.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My LIttle boy has arrived

I will probably be leaving out some details but wanted to share my birthing experience the second time around.

Saturday January 24th, I started having contractions when we were having lunch in Seattle with my family and extended family. The contractions were 4 minutes apart and I had trouble walking, talking through them. We were headed to see my brother-in-law's new Restaurant Depot Store, but decided to take a detour to the hospital after lunch because the contractions were getting stronger and the nurse that spoke to me on the phone said come on in. My nurse who checked me said I was still 3 cm dialated and 90% efaced. I was in shock I had not changed any. She told us to walk for 30 minutes and come back and she would check. After the 30 minutes, no changes. I was almost in tears, okay I was in tears. She said she would call my doctor let him know and he would make the decision from there. I truly thought I would be going home. When she came in with the news that my doctor would be willing to break my water I was more than thrilled. My doctor broke my water at 5:50pm Sat. January 24th. My nurse had me walk and continue to move about. The nurse had problems getting my IV hadlock in, which was a valve if they had to hook me up to the IV for an epidural. I had in my mind I would be going this route. I did not take an epidural with Bailey and wished I would have, but after she was born the pain was gone.

I was progressing marvelously thanks to a little monkey I was focused on through my contractions and more walking and breathing through them. My nurse was the most helpful when they started getting harder for me. I asked her when I was 5 cm dialated what she thought about epidurals. She gave me her experiences with her children. She had 2 epidurals and the other 2 natural. She told me she did not like that her legs were numb and she had a hard time pushing. The other thing she said was an epidural could prolong my labor and they may have to use a vaccum or forceps to get my baby out while pushing. I took this all into consideration. Through my labor God was with me. I prayed a lot through my labor and concentrated on Bailey and how my body was designed for giving birth. God was my Strong Tower. A band called Kutless sings this song which is one of my favorites. I also had in the background, Jon played my favorite Christian artists throughout my labor. I could eat popsicles, drink water, and even have chicken broth if I wanted. Jon kept saying I was a witness to people in the room. My mom, 2 Aunts, and sister were in the room with me. About 7-8cm dialated my blood pressure shot up and beeping on the machine was going on. My nurse tended to me well and with God's guidance my blood pressure finally went down. The anxiousness was taking over, but I managed to get back on track with breathing differently through my contractions. My nurse talked me through each contraction and with locking in on her eyes I made it through each one the harder they got. With a technique of doing "hehehoo" and really forcing the "hoo" out is what really helped me. 8cm dialated my back started really hurting and I almost wanted to get the epidural and the thoughts of "what am I doing?" kept running through my mind. Again, asking God for strength to get me through this was my hope and strength.

I was finally to 10cm and ready to push. The pushing part I was not looking forward to, because I pushed for 3 hours with Bailey. I started out pushing against a bar that was connected to my bed. This technique only lasted one time, because it made me feel yucky sick. I then had my sister on one leg and my husband on the other and beared down and screamed like no other but his head crowned within one to two sets of pushes. On the next set I remember hearing her no more pushing and she called for my doctor. My doctor came in and with one more set of pushing and screaming my doctor said, next time no screaming on the next push and sure enough I beared down again and did not scream, focused on what I had to do to get my baby out and he was born the next push at 2:57am on Sunday morning January 25th. Tears of joy and relief came over me like you would not believe. I only pushed for 15 minutes which felt like to me an eternity!

Hudson Tait Anderson was born weighing 9 pounds 14 ounces and he was a week and a half early. Thank the Lord my doctor wanted to break my water otherwise he would have been growing bigger and bigger inside of me. What an amazing experience this was. I totally went natural. I took 2 Tylenol due to a headache that would not go away, but I don't think that counts. My husband calls me "Super Woman." I would say I was more of God's "Super Warrior" that through Christ I can do all things and all things are possible. I have a scripture above my mirror in my living room, "For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37 this scripture went through my mind as I labored and delivered, plus others. I have other stories to share from at home and my walk with God strengthening me through my son, but I will have to blog another day about those. Enjoy some pics and Blessings to all!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Birth of a Son

Heather would like me to announce the birth of our baby boy,

Hudson Tait Anderson.

Hudson was born on January 25th, 2009 at 2:57 am. He weighed in at 9 pounds 14 ounces which is 2 shy of a full 10 pounds. He measured approximately the same as Bailey, our 32 month old, at 21" long along with a 14" head. He currently has strawberry blond hair but we shall see if and when that will change. He has been sleeping pretty much since he came into the world and is now in his mother's loving arms.

I am extremely proud of my wife as she did all of this with only 2 tylenol for a head ache, otherwise she had no pain medicine of any kind. It was truely the power and strength of God that help "push" our way through this adventure. The main thing I remember telling Heather and praying for was for God to give her strength and relief from the pain and that "Through Him all things are possible".

Please take a look at the attached photos and share with us in our time of great rejoicing. For God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers and we will be in touch through every means possible.

God Bless us All and Thank you Lord for this Wonderous Miracle.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Almost 39 weeks and counting!!!

I had my dr's appt yesterday. I was hoping for change this week since I went walking 3 times last week to get this labor going. My nurse said if there was no change to cry and maybe my dr. would give me good news regardless, hehehe! Well, I did not have to cry because I am 3 cm dialated and 70% efaced. My baby boy is still kind of high but he is in position. This was the best news I received all week. I have had so much pressure and contractions off and on all last week. My dr. thinks I will see him again before next appointment. I am really hoping I see him. He had 4 deliveries last week, it is my turn, right? My friend Jina from Phoenix guessed the 22nd of this month, she may be the winner of Starbucks coffee. My baby is plenty big enough to come out, at least 8.5-9 pounds, yikes! Bailey was 8 pounds 10 oz. and a week early. The Anderson family makes big babies, I think my husband is proud of this.

I am totally going for the epidural this time around. With Bailey I thought I would be superwoman and do it without. It was a gruling process, but at the end I had a wonderful gift waiting for me. My beautiful baby girl Bailey. Bailey will be 3 years old in March, I cannot hardly believe this. I look at her when she sleeps and think, "where did the time go?" She will be my little helper. Through this last month Bailey has asked lots of questions anywhere from pertaining to breast feeding to car seat, stroller questions, about going to the hospital, and using my bellybutton as a microphone to talk to her baby brother, too cute! When he has kicked me really hard I let out a moan and groan and she tells him, "you be nice to my mom." She is my little protector. I hope the next time I post I will have had my little guy. Thanks for everyone's prayers and thoughts truly appreciated.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Olive Garden experience and hopefully my last post before having baby.

We went to the Olive Garden last night since we had a gift card to use and I did not want to cook being as pregnant as I am. I walked in while Jon parked the car, he dropped me off at the door, which was so sweet. I have walked 3 times this week and no baby still. Here I am blogging again. So.....Olive Garden, walked in and put our name in it was going to be a 30-45 minute wait for dinner. It was packed at the restaurant. I walk over to where the benches are with the cushy seats to find a seat, but the seats were plum full of others waiting for their table to come available. Here at 38-39 weeks pregnant I stand against the wall by all of these people and they stare me down, I wonder what they were thinking. Probably something like...."Wow, she looks like she may pop." Something to that nature I am sure was going through their minds. You would think that one of them out of 8-10 people would be so kind to give up their seat for me, since they all saw me in the condition I was in. Ohhhh no way!!! They sat and sat. When finally someone's table was available I got to sit. This drove me crazy. I could not believe not one person asked if I would like to sit down or take their place.

I have been so tired lately that my patience for all things has completely consumed me. I try and be as patient as I can, but really just want to hold my precious little baby boy and welcome him into the world.

Monday, January 12, 2009

38 Week appointment

So here I sat and waited for my routine check-up and wanted so bad to be dialated more than what news I received. I am still 1cm dialated, but I am 50% efaced. I got sick this morning because there is no room in there. It does not matter what I eat or drink at this point in my pregnancy journey, everything gives me heartburn. I have tons of pressure down there and some braxton hicks contractions, but I guess that is it. I think I may start walking soon to speed things along. I did this with Bailey and I went into labor that evening, but I had been having contractions with her off and on all day then my water broke that night. Hopefully my water will break this time around too so then I know I am in labor and it is time to go to the hospital. My husband has been sweeter than sweet. Brought me home flowers on Saturday morning and a huge Jamba Juice smoothie. I crave cold stuff all the time. Smoothies and Cherry Icee's are my favorite. I am so blessed to have such an awesome husband. He has been a real trooper through my moaning and groaning and whiny behavior lately. At 6am one morning I was not feeling good I wanted one of my icee fixes and he went out and found me a grape one, it wasn't cherry but it was good!!! Thank you husband of mine you are the best!!!!! Hopefully the next time I post I will have had a my baby.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

37 weeks.......

I had my 37 week appointment yesterday. I was not supposed to go to the dr's until Wednesday of this week January 7th, but I was not feeling well this past weekend. My iron levels were checked again, and finally they have gone up to where they need to be. I got the results this morning. When my dr measured me he said, "big baby." I asked what this meant, he said "at least as big as your last baby." Bailey was 8 pounds 10 oz. a week early. Any guesses on the weight and when he is due. I did post awhile back I would send a $5 coffee on me card to Starbucks whoever wanted to give their guesses on his due date you can add the weight if you want to too, if your nice about it. When my dr. checked me yesterday I am 1 cm dialated already, dr. said he would be here early. What does this mean? I wait!!!!! It feels like I have a small melon stuck between my legs and I am just waiting for him to come. I see my dr now on a weekly basis, so we will see what will happen come next Monday.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Baby Boy Anderson's room

His room is pretty much complete. I am very excited how it turned out and how I did not spend a lot of money. We used Bailey's crib and changing table, and rocking chair for him. My aunt bought me his Pottery Barn transportation set for his bed and from there is where I got ideas for his room. I got some stuff at consignment stores, the white shelves used to be Bailey's. The curtains I got at Pottery Barn and got a killer deal on them. $8-$12 each panel, sweet!!!! My sister and aunt threw our family a shower so we are set in the clothes department, blankets, and odds and ends. My sis-in-law from Nebraska who is my best friend sent me all of my nephews clothes when he was a baby, so I scored big!!! Thank you so much for the nice shower-Amanda and Yvonne and thank you Brandi for the hammie downs!

I am definitely in the nesting stage of pregnancy. I am so ready to be done. I have had this awful numbness/cramping in my hands for weeks now, especially when I sleep and it will not go away. Sleeping has not been the best for me. Last night I was up until midnight with dragon heartburn forever! To all you mom's or soon to be mom's you know what I am talking about. It does not matter what you eat it all burns later. We get a tour of the hospital tomorrow in Bellevue. I was 36 weeks on Wednesday and see my dr. next Wednesday so we will see. I have our bags almost packed for the hospital, bought a car seat, Jon has already installed the seat so now it is Wait Time!!!! Bailey got a book about being a Big Sister from my Aunt Lorenna and just loves it, it is a must read every night before going to bed or nap. She is definitely getting excited about being a big sister. My husband and I are going on our last date night tonight before baby, because we know it will not happen for a long time after he is born. Date nights are so important to Jon and I and they definitely spark your marriage even when I am 36 weeks pregnant I look forward to eating dinner and going to a movie with my hubby with no interruptions. Our date is free because my mom and sis are watching Bailey for us and Jon got a gift certificate from work for dinner and a movie. No money gone there! Enjoy the pics of Anderson boy's room.