Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I have not blogged since October it looks like. I really need to find some more time to do this. It is a great outlet for me even if no one reads. Wow, where did Thanksgiving go and now it soon will be Christmas. I love this time of year, one of my ultimate fav's. The best part is having kids to enjoy this time of year and sharing with them why we celebrate Christmas. This holiday we are leaving in a few days to go back to Nebraska to spend time with Jon's family. We have not been back in 2 years around the Christmas time. Looking forward to the visit. We will be home for Christmas. Yesterday I took the kids to Fred Meyer's to pick out a present for the Women's shelter, our church will be donating presents to this year. Hudson did not quite understand why he could not keep the present, but in years to come he will understand. Bailey almost got it...she picked out a barbie and some Littlest Pet Shop for another little girl and then asked if she could play with the Barbie when we got home. While I was looking at make-up she asked if I should get a mommy who does not have make-up some. She gets it! Our latest obsessions in our house from Hudson are drum roll please....Watching Finding Nemo and the Incredibles at least once a day. These are the only 2 movies this boy will watch. He calls Nemo, "MOMO." Both of these movies are really action packed plus have great story lines. It must be bad when your 4 1/2 yr. old recites "Mail order, Ebay." Oh no!!!! Bailey's obsessed with having a real live pony in her backyard. She has asked Santa Claus for this hairy, pretty, but live animal. You will have to tune back in to the blog to see what I have come up for this present. She is obessed with horses, dancing, arts and crafts, and drawing pictures on her drawing tablet. I may have a real picasso on my hands. What is your obession? We all have them. Francis Chan from the book Crazy Love talks about being Obsessed with our Lord and Savior. I continue to work on this daily. I am obsessed with homemade crafty things, Etsy stuff. I love to support handmade things. Enjoy your holiday season. Jesus is the reason for the season.