Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here is the Link for March of

Click here to help me reach my goal!

March of Dimes Walk

I am walking this Sunday, May 3rd at Qwest field, 3.5 Miles. I will be walking for my friends Joe and Carlene Vaule who I attend church with at Gold Creek Community Church. Their little girl Hope went to be with the Lord on March 22, 2009. My heart goes out to Carlene and Joe. They are in my prayers and thoughts. Their faith remains strong in the Lord to get them through this. If you want to contribute to the March of Dimes here is the link.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Headbands, Princess stories, and sweetness

Bailey loves to wear her hair down. I like it when it is not in her face and all crusty and sticky from stuff getting into it. Bailey only lets my mom and my sister cut her bangs and we are growing the rest out. Bailey has only had 2 haircuts since birth. I used to make a fuss about her hair, but then realized I should choose my battles wisely. I love her strawberry blonde locks. Bailey has to wear her hair up for dance class on Thursday mornings and has to wear it nicely for church on Sundays. This seems to be the agreement or I should say the not talked about hair-to-do. I have recently discovered her liking for headbands. This is a fun one because I found her first one at OshGosh on sale for $3 in some odd change, which matched her cute flower shirt she likes to wear from OshGosh. I then found another one to match her Easter dress which she wore to church. The likeness of headbands is growing in our house. I hope we can keep this one up for awhile.

Last night I got home from my women's bible study group and she said she missed me. I was only gone for 2 hours and have not left her home with daddy in awhile and she missed me. I love that! This is what is all means to be a mom. She wanted a bedtime story at 9:30pm, since she waited up for me. I told her it was too late for a book, but that I would tell her a story about a Princess named Bailey. As you can guess, it was a story about her. She loved the story so much she wanted me to tell her another one. A mom's imagination only goes so far. I thought going to Nordstrom's to buy Prada shoes for $350 with pink sparkle rinestones would be out there but I guess she wanted more! A girl can dream.

Bailey is really into telling me she loves me which just makes me sparkle and smile. I will have to remember this when she is 13! Bailey is so sweet when someone is hurt or in pain. She is a very caring little girl. I love her so much.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Brother and Sister

Happenings at the Anderson Household. Hudson is now 10 and a half weeks old. Where does the time go? I love being a mom to these two wonderful little ones. They make my life so complete. What did I do before having kids? We had the yuckies visit our house and now we are finally all starting to feel better. I do not like it when my kids get sick. I felt so helpless as a parent. One day we stayed in our pj's all day. Bailey loved this idea. It was nice to sit around and do nothing. I would say I did nothing but then that would be lying to you. Easter is this weekend. I love Spring and I love Easter. Bailey and I were working on her Resurrection Eggs she got from her Grandma Pat and Papa Larry when they were out visiting. When it came to the cross one, Bailey said "Jesus died on the cross." It almost brought me to tears. For a three year old to repeat and say what she has learned was amazing to me and to her dad. It is not about the Easter bunny and the eggs. Easter is about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and rising from the dead three days later. Our Savior is amazing! Easter Blessings to all!!!