Wednesday, May 27, 2009

4 Months Old- Hudson Tait

My boy is already 4 months old. Can I turn back time? I want the little infant again. Okay there was nothing little to begin with since he weighed in at 9 pounds 14 ounces. He is already rolling over from back to belly. Hudson gets upset though if he is on his belly for too long. Hudson is the most mellow easy going baby I have ever met. I am not biased either. We lay him in his crib for naps and bedtime and pull his elephant tail thing that plays music and off to sleep he goes. I love giving him kisses and telling him to have a good sleep. He wakes up twice during the night to breastfeed and then right back to sleep. I know what you are all thinking, she has it good!!! I really am truly blessed with my children. Hudson has also started to like to chew and suck on anything you give him, toys and he loves his thumb. I can't take the thumb away so I guess if it soothes him back to sleep I am okay with that. I take Hudson in for his 4 month appointment the second week of June due to my sister having her boy June 2nd for a scheduled C-Section. Our boys will be 5 months apart. Josiah Lamer is on his way! I am going to guess Hudson weighs at least 20 pounds, my back says he weighs 20 pounds. He loves to smile and just hang out. He likes it when I sing to him and when his sister talks to him in his carseat. This morning Bailey wanted Hudson to sit next to her in the big chair in the livingroom and Bailey read him the little baby bible, Guess How much I love you, and a Tractor book. Of course Bailey cannot read but started singing "Jesus Loves Me." She almost made me cry. It was the sweetest thing ever. They keep me going and keep me smiling. I love my kiddos so much.

Thought for the day: Time goes on, take each little moment like the little moments mentioned above and be thankful.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sister's Simplicity Cards

Just when I think that my life could not get any busier it becomes more of a blessing. As a stay at home mother of two I like to find time to do something I enjoy doing. Scrapbooking and making cards is my hobby. My sister and I have been to a few card making classes and really enjoyed them and thought... what if we were to try and sell our cards. We know we will not be making millions here, but enjoy the hobby and enjoy the time together, this is the blessing part. We were tired of paying high end prices for cards and could not afford expensive cards anymore. A handmade card is much more meaningful than a store bought card, we seem to think so. You can write your own thoughts and message in one of our cards. Check out our website and you can email us if you have any questions. The website is up and running but is in the making: Our email is We are very excited about this and will be at the Farmer's Market on Wednesdays at Park Ridge Community Church- Maltby Road and 35th Street Bothell, WA starting June 3rd from 4-8pm through September. I will be posting a few photos of our cards. God is good and I am so truly blessed!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Celebration

Yesterday we dedicated both Bailey and Hudson at Gold Creek Church. Child dedication or should be more appropriately called parent dedication, we want to bring up Bailey and Hudson according to God's word and his will for our children. It was a beautiful morning. I was greeted in bed by my 3 year old Bailey, with a Mother's day card she made me. She had painted a picture and my husband helped her draw pictures all over it and they wrote their appreciation on the card. Bailey also made me a flower picture in Sunday school with her hand print painted on it. I will be framing this one. We had a brunch after church with our family to celebrate Mother's day and the kids dedication. We took my mom home to Ferndale later in the day and had Sonic, one of my fav's. Cherry Limeades are my favorite and icecream to top it off before heading home. I probably indulged a little too much. My husband took a scenic road home. To top off the day my hubby made me a panini sandwich and we sat as a family and watched the season finale of Amazing Race. I love being a mom to Bailey and Hudson. They are God's gifts to me. Motherhood has changed my life their are no words to explain it. Each morning when I wake up and I see my children's smiles nothing more can bring me greater joy than this. I hope all mom's had a Happy Mother's day.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Walk

The walk for March of Dimes was great. The weather was perfect for a walk by the waterfront walking toward Seattle and the Space Needle. What a humbling experience for me. I am so blessed to have two healthy children when they were born with no complications. I did not realize how often there are preemie babies and babies born with so many problems and have to fight to survive. Walking with friends and for friends gave me a jolt. It was so great to see all the walkers who were walking for friends, family, or their own little ones. My heart goes out to all of the families who have endured a loss of a child, or a child who had complications at birth. "My strength is in you Lord." I raised $50 for MOD. I hope next year I can triple that!!! Thanks to all who donated.