Wednesday, May 27, 2009

4 Months Old- Hudson Tait

My boy is already 4 months old. Can I turn back time? I want the little infant again. Okay there was nothing little to begin with since he weighed in at 9 pounds 14 ounces. He is already rolling over from back to belly. Hudson gets upset though if he is on his belly for too long. Hudson is the most mellow easy going baby I have ever met. I am not biased either. We lay him in his crib for naps and bedtime and pull his elephant tail thing that plays music and off to sleep he goes. I love giving him kisses and telling him to have a good sleep. He wakes up twice during the night to breastfeed and then right back to sleep. I know what you are all thinking, she has it good!!! I really am truly blessed with my children. Hudson has also started to like to chew and suck on anything you give him, toys and he loves his thumb. I can't take the thumb away so I guess if it soothes him back to sleep I am okay with that. I take Hudson in for his 4 month appointment the second week of June due to my sister having her boy June 2nd for a scheduled C-Section. Our boys will be 5 months apart. Josiah Lamer is on his way! I am going to guess Hudson weighs at least 20 pounds, my back says he weighs 20 pounds. He loves to smile and just hang out. He likes it when I sing to him and when his sister talks to him in his carseat. This morning Bailey wanted Hudson to sit next to her in the big chair in the livingroom and Bailey read him the little baby bible, Guess How much I love you, and a Tractor book. Of course Bailey cannot read but started singing "Jesus Loves Me." She almost made me cry. It was the sweetest thing ever. They keep me going and keep me smiling. I love my kiddos so much.

Thought for the day: Time goes on, take each little moment like the little moments mentioned above and be thankful.

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