Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Celebration

Yesterday we dedicated both Bailey and Hudson at Gold Creek Church. Child dedication or should be more appropriately called parent dedication, we want to bring up Bailey and Hudson according to God's word and his will for our children. It was a beautiful morning. I was greeted in bed by my 3 year old Bailey, with a Mother's day card she made me. She had painted a picture and my husband helped her draw pictures all over it and they wrote their appreciation on the card. Bailey also made me a flower picture in Sunday school with her hand print painted on it. I will be framing this one. We had a brunch after church with our family to celebrate Mother's day and the kids dedication. We took my mom home to Ferndale later in the day and had Sonic, one of my fav's. Cherry Limeades are my favorite and icecream to top it off before heading home. I probably indulged a little too much. My husband took a scenic road home. To top off the day my hubby made me a panini sandwich and we sat as a family and watched the season finale of Amazing Race. I love being a mom to Bailey and Hudson. They are God's gifts to me. Motherhood has changed my life their are no words to explain it. Each morning when I wake up and I see my children's smiles nothing more can bring me greater joy than this. I hope all mom's had a Happy Mother's day.


Jina said...

Child dedication is such a wonderful thing. I get misty every time because it is a beautiful display of our commitment to having a Godly family! Good for you guys! I am praying for you and your amazing kids!

Anderson Fam said...

Thanks for your prayers. Prayers to you and your awesome family!!! I hope your 1st Mothers day was terrific.