Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Newest Happenings

It is official.... Hudson has been potty trained for about 3 weeks now. I would have to say it was challenging and exhausting the first week, but we stuck it out as a family. I thought boys would be difficult but he did great. A friend had given me an ebook on the 3 day potty training. Is really any kid completely potty trained after 3 days? We did a sticker chart, tons of praise, new underwear(superhero ones, his fav is Batman, which he has never seen before.) It must be a boy thing. No diapers for 2 months until baby girl Norah decides to come visit our family. He has stayed dry at night and through naps for the most part, so proud of him. A church friend gave Hudson a potty chair, which made things a lot easier for mommy and daddy to help with the training. The seats which go one the toilet did not work with him. The potty chair has a guard on it which helps with the occasional boy stuff. He also uses "the big toilet," which he calls it when we are out and about.

Hudson continues to talk and repeat everything we say. He is so much fun and brings much laughter into the Anderson household.

Bailey will be finishing up her Pre-K year of school on June 10th. She graduates on June 11th and has her dance recital on the same day. Bailey has learned about butterflies and their crystalis. Bailey had an amazing Mother's day treat at school at the beginning of the month. She sang to me, served me goodies, made me a card, and made a decopodged flower pot with a marigold planted inside of it. Bailey has completely amazed me on what she has learned this year in school. She will do half day kindergarten in the Fall.

I am currently 27 and a half weeks pregnant. Moving right along and doing pretty good except for syotic nerve pain on left side where baby Norah sits. Hudson did the same thing to me. I am glad it is only a temporary thing. Ob appt went well. I got myself some nice stockings for my vericose veins I have developed. Oh yipee skipee!!!

Jon continues to be busy at work, and we continue to wait on our house short sale contract.

We hope all is well with everyone.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Boy or Girl????

This past Sunday we found out from taking a bite into a cupcake we were having a boy or a girl. The cupcake revealed that we are having a girl. This was a surprise to me because my mothers intuition was I was having a boy. My pregnancy mimicked a lot of Hudson's pregnancy. My intuition was wrong. I should of know when I started morning sickness in the 2nd trimester. We had our ultrasound last Friday and baby is very healthy. Her name is Norah Sedona Anderson. Norah means light and honor. Sedona Arizona is where Jon proposed to me and where we first saw Norah Jones in concert at the red rocks. Norah's expected arrival date is August 19th, my dad's birthday. Bailey is excited to have a sister join the family. Hudson only knows it is a baby, he has not quite grasped the girl and boy thing. Hope everyone is healthy and is enjoying Spring. I love this time of year because of Easter and our Savior Jesus, it is a celebration time. Will try and post pics soon.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where to begin....

For the last month and a half the Anderson world felt like it was crumbling. We have had so many trials and health issues from family and friends it feels like Satan has attacked. I have only found strength through Christ, but I have to admit it has been difficult trusting this whole time. I have been tested! God works in these ways to trust him more and to strengthen us all at the same time.

In a nutshell, we have been faced with a death of a cousin of Jon's. A friend who just had a baby a month ago... My friend Krystal had a seizure which led to a brain tumor that was found through MRI and which is operable on March 22nd. Her faith will sustain her through all of this, she is one tough cookie and a fighter! Praying for a speedy recovery and restoration for her. Our short sale of our home, Jon's grandmother who had to undergo quaddruple bypass surgery. An accident on our way home in the snow from the mountains a lot of damage to our van, but God had his angels watching over us. We did not have our van for 2 weeks, but thankful we had our truck to get around. Jon ended up with some bruised ribs. There have been many other little things to add to the bigger but will not go into detail.

I have learned to trust God in the little and bigger things. God will only give us what we can handle. My friend Krystal has her surgery tomorrow morning. I am praying the tumor is not cancerous, they get it all, and she has a remarkable recovery to get home to be with her kids who she loves and adores. There will be a long road ahead of her but I know her faith in God will sustain and keep her going all the way. We serve an amazing God!!!!

If you are interested to hear more of Krystal's story her blog is at the end of my blog lists titled Warwick Words.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oh where did blogging go?

Well, it has been way too long since I have blogged anything about anything. I used to blog once a month. We were hit in December/January with sickness after sickness. February has been a much better month so far. To bring everyone up to speed we are expecting our 3rd child in August, super duper excited about it! I have never been pregnant in the Summer time so we will see how that goes. I will have to blog about it. Our house is on the market we are going through the short sale process. We cannot afford our home any longer. Long story don't want to bore anyone. God will see us through this time he always has when we don't know the direction he is taking us we usually go with the flow.

Bailey continues to love Pre-K at our church which she attends 3 times a week. Bailey is back to dancing again which she can't get enough of. Mommy and Daddy always look forward to her recital in June. Netflix and the Wii have been pretty popular in our house right now with both kids. I wish the weather would hurry up and turn Spring on us so we can play at the park and get outside more, cabin fever anyone?

Hudson turned 2 in January. Hard to believe he is 2 already. He has been talking more, 3 words at a time. He loves trains, trucks, making boy noises, animal noises, bugging his sister and copying everything she does. They keep me busy to say the least. Hudson is very into doing what his sister does and wants to join in at all times.

Bailey and Hudson are excited for their new brother or sister. Hudson kisses my belly right now and Bailey asks when is the baby coming,(no concept of time.)

Jon continues to work hard at the City of Bellevue. Busy guy doing household stuff and leading men's group on Saturday mornings at our church. We also have a couples group at our home on Thursday nights. Tuesday nights he hangs with the kids so I can lead a women's group. We have been more than busy but enjoy every minute of it.

Wishing you all well and happy!!! I will try and be better about this blogging thing in 2011!