Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I have not blogged since October it looks like. I really need to find some more time to do this. It is a great outlet for me even if no one reads. Wow, where did Thanksgiving go and now it soon will be Christmas. I love this time of year, one of my ultimate fav's. The best part is having kids to enjoy this time of year and sharing with them why we celebrate Christmas. This holiday we are leaving in a few days to go back to Nebraska to spend time with Jon's family. We have not been back in 2 years around the Christmas time. Looking forward to the visit. We will be home for Christmas. Yesterday I took the kids to Fred Meyer's to pick out a present for the Women's shelter, our church will be donating presents to this year. Hudson did not quite understand why he could not keep the present, but in years to come he will understand. Bailey almost got it...she picked out a barbie and some Littlest Pet Shop for another little girl and then asked if she could play with the Barbie when we got home. While I was looking at make-up she asked if I should get a mommy who does not have make-up some. She gets it! Our latest obsessions in our house from Hudson are drum roll please....Watching Finding Nemo and the Incredibles at least once a day. These are the only 2 movies this boy will watch. He calls Nemo, "MOMO." Both of these movies are really action packed plus have great story lines. It must be bad when your 4 1/2 yr. old recites "Mail order, Ebay." Oh no!!!! Bailey's obsessed with having a real live pony in her backyard. She has asked Santa Claus for this hairy, pretty, but live animal. You will have to tune back in to the blog to see what I have come up for this present. She is obessed with horses, dancing, arts and crafts, and drawing pictures on her drawing tablet. I may have a real picasso on my hands. What is your obession? We all have them. Francis Chan from the book Crazy Love talks about being Obsessed with our Lord and Savior. I continue to work on this daily. I am obsessed with homemade crafty things, Etsy stuff. I love to support handmade things. Enjoy your holiday season. Jesus is the reason for the season.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkins and More

I have not blogged since Labor Day, whew. I think that is telling me I have been way too busy. I love Fall. The changing of the leaves have been absolutely breath taking. Simple things like warm apple cider, listening to jazz(Norah Jones, or Jack Johnson) just makes me want to sit and relax and take in all that God has to offer me. The Anderson's have been busy. Bailey started preschool and loves it at Kids at the Creek. Hudson now tells his sister "bye" when we drop her off at school or he cries. I guess it depends on his mood for the day. We have been to the pumpkin patch as a family already and Bailey gets to go with her classmates tomorrow. Bailey will be Rupunzel and Hudson is a dragon for Halloween. We will be going to the trick or treating at Country Village this year. Something new for us as a family. Our church is having a Under the Big Top, which is to have a circus theme to it. We are looking forward to attending this event too.

Happenings lately....Hudson continues to use the word,"no." He loves balls, especially footballs. He screams in Fred Meyer's when he sees the football balloons at the top of his lungs,"ball." Hudson also likes Little People and trains. Thomas is becoming an obsession. Hudson is starting to use more words and continues to keep us busy.

Bailey is loving school. She has a letter of the week she learns and has made chicken rice soup at school. Her favorite part about school is taking Little Tiger home and writing about her experience with him, a little beany baby. Bailey also loves show and tell.

Jon and I will be gearing up to celebrate 8 years of marriage next month on November 16th. I never know where we are going, it is always a surprise... I only know we are going South. What a clue?
I love this man so much. He is such an amazing man and continues to amaze me daily. He shows so much leadership in our home and with our kids which I love and thank God for. Happy Fall days to everyone.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Labor Day Weekend Happenings and School has started

We saw so much on our Labor day trip down to the Ocean. There are so many photos, so I only chose a couple to post. We stayed at Cape Disappointment State Park on the WA side. It was no disappointment, beautiful state park. We visited two lighthouses at this park. The beaches were amazing. We also went to Astoria, Oregon where they filmed the movie Goonies. One of our fav's. We got to visit the county jail, the Goonie house, and Cannon Beach area where the ship comes in at the end and where they race in the beginning. We still need to recap and watch the movie soon. I loved Astoria there was so much to see. I would love to go back sometime, a little quaint town with a River, and ocean surrounding. We went over one of the steepest bridges I think I have ever been on. We also visited the Astoria column, which I did not like due to it was a 160 stairs and I do not like heights. Jon and Hudson loved it though. We played on the beach and in the sand a lot of the time and went sightseeing. My two fav's were Astoria and Cannon Beach area. We went with my sis and her family and my mom. We had a great time by all. I would love to go back and visit again soon.

School has started for Bailey. She started pre-K, which is prekindergarden just a level up from preschool. Bailey attends Kids at the Creek which is the preschool our church offers. She loves her teachers and is making friends already. We attend her first function tonight, the Hoe-Down BBQ. I will have to post some pictures at a later time. Bailey loves school. She told me the other day at home she was bored. I can't keep her I guess entertained or thinking all the time like she would like. I am watching a little girl who is 4 months older than Hudson part-time during the week so Hudson shares my time. It has been a blessing.

Hudson is going through the pre 2 stage, is there such a stage? He knows the word "no," way too well. He is also in a hitting stage. I would love my little sweet man back soon. I hope this is just a phase that he will soon move out of soon. Discipline is hard sometimes but Jon and I are on top of it! I hope Fall is treating everyone good. I have already indulged in a couple of Pumpkin spice lattes and/or frapps! Oh to Fall!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Random thoughts

I should not title blog posts as such, but here it goes. We went on a camping trip to Birch Bay at the first part of August. It rained but we made the best out of the trip. Here is my story....showing compassion and giving when God nudges you.

Sat of the campout there was a camper next to our campsite, well during the rain they packed up and headed out. By the evening two guys were parked next to us. When I say parked it does not mean a car, they parked their bicycles. During our potluck dinner with family I noticed that they were setting up their camp for the night. I felt a sudden urge, (a God thing) totally out of my comfort zone to tell Jon to go ask these guys to come and eat with us. We had a spread of food and all of us at our campsite had already eaten dinner for the most part. The guys were very accepting and came over and ate with us. The guys told us (Alex and Todd) how they had been riding their bikes all day and when they got to Birch Bay all they wanted to do was set up camp and eat their Top Roman noodles, which they had been eating for the last few days on their bike adventure. They were not greeted by other bikers in a bike group very well, hostile people. I knew my family would probably mock me or criticize me for this but I did not care. We learned about their bike adventure starting from Portland Oregon and continuing on to a conference they were headed to in Canada. Grad Students from Oregon. They ate a lot of food, which in the morning we still had to throw out some food. We had an abundance of food. We even played one of our favorite games Settlers of Catan with these guys. Alex had played before but Todd was a rookie. I have shared this story with many. It reminds me of Jesus asking complete strangers to come and eat with him. When you give whole heartedly everything to anyone God blesses that and it is a feeling that is unexplainable.

Here is my random thought that does not pertain to this story at all. I have been looking at Amy Butler fabric online for awhile. There are not many places here in WA that carry her fabric, which surprised me! I thought I was so close when a girl I met at a softball game had the perfect fabric made into a purse, exactly what I was looking for. The problem has been she told me it was Amy Butler, well I did not realize Amy Butler makes a purse pattern, but the actual fabric could have been anything. If you are looking online or in a fabric store let me know if you find Amy Butler fabric or some kind of fabric that has the colors yellow, black, gray, and white. Yes, those exact colors!!! It is driving me bananas that I cannot find this material for curtains in my kitchen. I want to make my own. Enjoy the little rest of Summer that is left. My daughter starts Pre-K at our church preschool Kids at the Creek very soon, where did Summer go?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kla-hye-ya- days, something like that. Watched the hot air balloons. One of Bailey's most favorite thing is hot air balloons.

Hudson getting his haircut for the second time. Loves the lollipops.

1st AquaSox game. The boy loves baseball, taking after his Uncle Donnie. He has to wear the hat he picked out everywhere we go.

Bailey will end her first VBS this week. Bailey has had so much fun and has learned a ton. Honestly it has been a great break from each other that we both needed. We are camping this weekend at Birch Bay which is a childhood fav of mine. The beach will be within walking distance of our campsite. Wishing everyone a great weekend.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Too Late for this....

It is way too late to be blogging but since I lost my background I created a whole new look to my families blog. I am not very computer savvy but after about an hour and a half I finally got it looking how I wanted it to. I will be adding some more stuff soon. Here are recent pictures of the family and my two most precious things God has given to me, my children. The latest have been....my four year old loves to tell knock, knock, jokes. Bailey makes up her own, oh boy! I laugh at them because she laughs at herself after she tells the jokes, quite humorous. Hudson lately has been Mr.Repeat of words. He is learning more than 5 words. He says "yeah," to everything, except now he also knows the word....drum roll please....."no." He shakes his head in a cute way and says "no," if it is something he does not want or want to do. Amusing sometimes as a mommy, otherwise not so cute! Hudson loves balls, especially golf balls and baseballs. We went to our first Aquasox game today. The kids were not so into the game, but they were kept happy with the ballpark junkfood. Summer has been going by so fast I can't hardly believe it is the end of July. Hudson turned 18 months today, as a mom this is hard to believe. I really do not know where the time goes. Hudson wants to be like his sister and wants to try everything his sister does or copies what she does. He likes using the Elmo potty seat, which is cool until he does not hold down his "you know what" and it sprays the entire fabric shower curtain, floor, rug, etc. A mess a mommy laughs as she cleans up.

Diet update doing well. I have lost 9 pounds. I tried this last week to walk 30min, 5 days a week. It has sure helped me out a lot. I have more energy and that is the best part of the diet. I read labels now when I grocery shop.(I shop without the kids a lot of times so I can concentrate on label reading) My kids love going to Trader Joe's and they do great in TJ. Finding Freddy the frog helps the grocery shopping experience, and at the end of the shopping they get an organic lollipop. Life is great!!!! When Hudson knows we are going to TJ's he claps his hands with excitement. Remember as adults to get this excited over little things, your kids will think you are a complete goofball. It is late, 12:30am time to sleep. Goodnight!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer finally hit here in Seattle

Wow, it was a whopping 90's this last week. We call that in Seattle barely living, because it usually is not that warm in the summer time. When you do not have central air conditioning it can get unbareable. We do have more than some people, two window air conditioning units which have helped so much. This last week we went to the spray park to cool down and finally gave in and bought a pool. I am glad I waited though one day before buying it. I had my eye on a pool at Ride-Aid, it was $40. The next day I went back, because my hubby said go ahead and just buy it and it was 25% off. I was so estatic that I got it on sale. Since it was on sale I bought the kids a few toys too for the pool. Well worth the money spent this last week with the weather and the kids loved it. I on the other hand have not been in the pool yet. I will get there sometime.

During the last week and weekend, Bailey has been sick. I feel so helpless when my kids are sick. I have a horrible gag reflex so my hubby steps in when they get sick. Thank the Lord my kids hardly ever get sick. Bailey also ended up with a wierd rash that needed Benadryl. I believe we are on the mend and no one else got sick, thank you Jesus!

This last week for me I have started watching a little girl who is 21 months old to help out with some extra income coming in. When I got paid, my hubby thanked me and smiled really big. Finances are tough people, but through prayer and trusting in him all things are possible. I also got another cleaning job that will be starting up at the end of the month and going just for a few months. I am truly blessed and thanks to my friend Krystal for passing the word along that I needed a job. Everything works out for a reason. That is all the happenings right now in the Anderson household.

My diet is going good. I have lost 6 pounds, but mostly I have more energy and I read labels more than ever now and take my time grocery shopping. I started doing the shopping at night when the kids go to bed and Jon can watch them. Makes it so much easier to shop and take my time instead of buying unnecessary purchases. Enjoy these summer months.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bailey and I at her school field trip in May. I am frompy looking so I hope I can change this. I am growing out my hair, it has been a long process but I am doing it.

I do not write a lot about myself or what I have been up to lately, so I thought I would take that approach on this blog post. On Father's Day I started a new diet according to my blood type. My chiropractor gave me a list of foods that were medicine for my blood type, neutral foods, and posion foods for my type. Pretty strict diet, but I am liking it actually. It has made me realize all the junk I put in my body before I started the diet. My goals are eating healthier to a healthier me, having more energy, which I need as a domestic engineer AKA stay at home mom, and finding if there are certain foods that create more problems for me with my acne prone skin that I have dealt with since a teenager. I am not doing any eggs, milk, or dairy of any kind for this diet. I can eat red meat, fruits, veggies, some nuts, fish, lots of it, turkey, chicken, and so much more. I prayed that I would not have any cravings or extreme caffeine headaches. I was a one cup coffee drinker, maybe a pop in the afternoon sometimes and I love my sugar and breads and grains. I do not get any of these with this diet. You can say "poor me," but really I feel so much better getting rid of this stuff. I make much healthier dinners and food choices just in 4 days. If I lose weight with this that is an added bonus. I would not mind losing 10-15 more pounds. I have found with this diet you can really do anything you set your mind to and your heart. I have lost 2 pounds in 4 days which to me feels like a slow start but I am thankful for the 2! Woot Woot!!!

I had 5 free sessions of Holy yoga, so I thought why not while I am eating better. Wow! My idea of yoga was a lot of meditation and relaxation, not so much. I loved the music the instructor played while working out. Let me tell you....it was a work out. I did yoga for the first time on Monday night and it is almost Thursday and I am still sore. A good sore though. Yoga made me feel at peace and it made me put my day aside and focus on God and to worship him during this time. If you are struggling with something right now or have in the past give it all to him and do something with giving it your all!!! Have a great week!!! What are you doing for a workout regime or diet these days? I would love to hear your comments.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Busy Anderson's

Who has a garage sale, camps, a birthday party, and dinner all in one weekend? You guessed right, The Anderson family did this. The rain makes you go a little silly around here. Camping in the rain did not sound at all appealing to me, but my husband was up for the challenge. We did not sleep in our tent, thank goodness. We stayed at our friends RV spot in Gold Bar WA in the shed on the property. We stayed dry and warm. I think if you have a campfire you are bound to just have a great time regardless of the nasty weather. Jon and I have been on a campout before where it started hailing on us when we went to bed. I never thought our friends Jina and Mike would ever camp again after that campout. That particular campout I thought we were going to freeze, we could not have a campfire due to high winds in Arizona up in the Pinetop area. Jon and I have left a camping trip due to high winds before. We went home and slept in our nice comfy bed, it was the best decision we made on a camping trip. It was the worst hike I ever went on, except to see the grandview at the top....DQ was at the bottom and I told Jon after what we hiked(rock climbed!) and I had to face one of my greatest fears...heights, we were going to DQ after the hike for icecream.

My boy Hudson.... I thought could not get any dirtier, he got dirtier I believe. The wetness and dirt stuck to him like glue. He started out having a tough time walking in his rain boots but got the hang of it at the end of the weekend because he was running from me in them before we left. Swimming in 57 degrees and rain, the guys took the kids swimming, crazy!!!!! The pool was heated.

I wrote this right after Memorial day weekend and forgot to finish and post. Here are the lastest happenings around the Anderson house....

Hudson has mastered the words "ball, and boots," boots pertaining to his rubber boots he wore camping. After coming home he wanted to put them on everyday with his jammies. Our screaming fits have got better, but he likes to do this for attention which is not appealing to Jon and I at all to say the least. Hudson loves to be outside playing at all times. The other day I was scrapbooking at my kitchen table and looked out and did not see him so I went to check on him and he was digging up my flowers out of my pots and just smiled I had to laugh it was funny but not really!!! Hudson knows where his bellybutton is and mommy's, his nose, ears,eyes, head,and mouth and he sticks his tongue out when you ask him to touch his mouth.

Bailey has her dance recital this Saturday. She is a Christmas tree. I will have to post pictures next week. Bailey has been in dance since 2 years old. It is amazing how much she has learned and continues to learn at dance. Bailey finished preschool in May and will be attending Gold Creek Community Church Pre-K in the Fall. Our Summer will be filled with camping trips, the park, the zoo, aquarium, and any other outdoor activities in the area. We will be attending a Mariner's game for Father's Day. I wish I could have seen Ken Griffey Jr. play one last time, oh well! Enjoy your summer and I will be better about not being so lengthy in my posts, maybe!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mommy, Mom, Mother, and Ma and Our MeMa

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mother's out there. I look forward to this day that is observed for us mom's, grandma's, aunts, sister's, friends, and anything else I may be forgetting.

One of the best things about being a mom is I love when my kids do funny things or say the little things that I loathe to hear. Bailey melts my heart with how she tells me I am the best mommy ever. She also tells me I am the best baker, and daddy is right up there too, go figure! She brings me dandelions which she has claimed are a flower and they are beautiful to her. Her daddy crushed her spirit one day when he told her they were weeds. I accept them as the most beautiful flowers that I have ever seen, because she picks them for me. My joy is my children and I love them more and more everyday. Being able to stay at home with them and be a domestic engineer I really would not change it for the world. There are days that are exhausting and my patience has run dry but then I have to stop and remind myself that my kids love me to be there for them. I need them as much as they need me.

Hudson shows me he loves me in his own way by giving me kisses. He used to do this to wake me up in the morning when he was snuggled in my bed. He has not done this in awhile but he finds other ways to show me. He is a cuddler and loves to hold my hand when I tuck him in to his crib at night and then I pray for him. Praying over your kids is so important. Praying not just for their safety but for their future, health, and well being in everything they do.

I just have to stop Bailey was playing outside with her daddy and brother and she came in and gave me a kiss and told me she loves me. I love being their mommy.

I love my kids.

Dear Mom,

Thank you for being the most amazing mother in my eyes. Thank you for teaching me to stand firm on what I believe and to let others know even if their opinion or actions differ from my own. You are unique and beautiful in your own way. I believe I take after you in that area. I love being different and unique from the style of my clothes to the new things I like to try and cook or bake to my home. Thank you for being there when it meant the most. You were there for me when I became a mom and to me that is the biggest most cherished blessing a daughter can have. You gave when you did not have. Your faith and strength shine through. Even when things hurt you press on. I love you always and hope your Mother's Day was a great one. Love your daughter Heather Ann

Monday, April 19, 2010

10 Things About the Blogger

So I thought I would write a little about myself. I always blog on the kids, the hubby, the dog, what the lastest is on our family, but I do not think I have ever blogged about myself. I already do not like the sound of this one, but I will give it a shot. I am not one to put attention on me...what girl is? Okay for some, like Pamela Anderson want attention, if you have been watching Dancing with The Stars you know what I mean. I have read some blogs lately that actually tell about the blogger, one I love which is linked on my blog is the Pleated Poppy. She took pics of herself and posted what she wore for a week. I can tell you right now I do not have time to do this, maybe down the road.

Well...Here it goes....1.) I am in love with my Savior Jesus Christ! I am more outwardly spoken about my faith than I have in the past. People need to know what he has done for me. I recently got rebaptized. If you have questions just ask.

2.)I do not like heights of any kind. I have been forced though in the past to overcome this fear of mine. I do snow ski and have to go up the lifts, not my favorite thing to do. I am the one wrapped around the pole to the lift white nuckling it until I get to the top of the mountain. I have also had a hiking experience I wish not to repeat.

3.)Camping is a great thing. I would not call myself a girly girl by any means, okay I like massages and pedicures that is about as girly as it gets.

4.) One of my favorite foods is my hubby's homemade pizza.

5.)I have an awful gag reflux, meaning smells or gross things set it off and I will gag and sometimes even vomit. It intensifies when I am pregnant. I could tell you stories. I know this is something you probably did not want to know about me.

6.)I'am an avid scrapbooker, card maker, etc. My sister and I have our own business.

7.)I love to rearrange things in my house after a few months. I am ecletic in my style. This means a little bit of everything in my style.

8.)I love coffee. Before I moved to Seattle I did not like coffee at all. It would seem a little wierd to me if you did not drink coffee and you lived in Seattle.

9.)I am a breastfeeding momma. I breastfed Bailey my girl until she was 17 months, I only wanted to go for a year, hah! Oh...and Hudson yeah he is almost 15 months and still breastfeeding. He does not feed during the day, I wish so I could sleep better at night. He will give it up when he is good and done I guess. My kids are my joy.

10.)Here it goes the last and final thing you may have not known about me is....I am an avid watcher of Amazing Race on Sunday nights. Jon and I tried out one time with his parents, funny huh? If I had extended cable it would never leave HGTV channel, probably a good thing we do not have extended cable...I would get nothing done, or wait I would want to redecorate every room in my house.

I hope you all enjoyed the post. I challenge you to be different!!!!

The picture is in front of my new curtains my mom made me for my living room. They look better when they are opened up. My hat is from my friend Miriah, it was a birthday present. She makes hats. I love them. If money was not an issue I would have more and in different colors. Check her site out on my Blog. My messenger bag was made from Alice Cross one of the most hospitable people I know who attends GCCC, all proceeds go to American Cancer Society. I bought this with birthday money. Oh and my necklace...you can't see what it says...It is stamped jewelry that has my kids named stamped with their birthdays on the back and has H heart J and our anniversary on the back with a heart and a cross charm. My friend Sara Cross from GCCC her mom Cindy makes the stamped jewelry. I bought this one for myself for my birthday. If anyone knows me I am not a necklace wearing gal, well...it changed when I bought this one, I wear it practically everyday. Bailey asked me to wear it to bed one night, I did for her. She knows it has her name on it and birthday. I told her she was close to my heart when I wear it. She is close to my heart regardless of wearing a necklace. If you want to get some of these amazing homemade goodies there is an open house this weekend. I can get you the details if you are interested.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter and baptism

We had an amazing Easter weekend. It all started with an Easter egg hunt at Life Care Center in Bothell by my sister's house. It was cold, but the kids seemed to enjoy themselves. The afternoon on Saturday April 3rd, brought Easter food prep, carrot cupcakes and orange yogurt muffins with a yummy glaze. Naps for everyone that afternoon.

Easter morning woke to Hudson and Bailey finding their baskets, mommy was still in bed. I missed some of the picture taking. Bailey said a few nights back while saying prayers, "mommy it is not about the Easter bunny, it is about Jesus dying on the cross." My heart was so full after hearing these precious words. My 4 yr. old gets it, and I love that. She had a lot of questions about Jesus this Easter if it hurt him getting nailed to a cross and the thorns. Jon's mom last year bought Bailey the Resurrection eggs at the Christian book store and we followed the story through Easter morning with the eggs. A good tool to have for little ones. We were off to church at 9am because Jon and I were recommitting our lives to Christ through baptism. I also volunteer in the nursery at the 10:30 service so we had to go to the early service. My family...husband, sister, aunt, mom, cousins were present during the baptism. I chose to get rebaptized, that sounds a little wierd, but here is the story.....

A church we were a part of in the past, liked their volunteers to get baptized if we were to keep volunteering in areas in the church. Jon wanted to get baptized and I think at the time I wanted to more to support him, but felt it really was not my choice. My faith and walk with God has inspired me to show the world where I was and where I am now with Christ. When talking to my husband about getting baptized again he suggested I speak to our caring minister Cheryl, who I have got to know through women's bible studies and with working with our children. Cheryl asked some questions, but made me realize that my choice and this tug from God was not going to go away and should get baptized if I felt so strong about the choice to recommit. Jon then the week before Easter wanted to get rebaptized too. Realizing that he has made Christ the center of his life and has given up past behaviors that trapped him. Our marriage has been strengthened through our ups and downs, but having the common ground be Christ in our marriage and recommitting together seemed even more fitting. My husband got to help Pastor Dan baptize me, what a moment and I will never forget. I'm so humbled that we have a God who is forgiving and who loves me for who I am.

Photos I said I would post some of the remodeled bathroom. Baptism photos to follow.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Palm Springs and Easter soon!

A lot has been happening in the Anderson household. The kids and I went to Palm Springs, California for 7 days to catch some sun. Husband was left at home to remodel our bathroom which had mold and needed some updating. I will post some updated photos real soon, I have not had time to download photos as of yet. We had a great time. Bailey went swimming every day we were there. She has been in swimming lessons this Spring and will hopefully get to continue at the YMCA, she is on a waiting list. We went to the Living Desert which Bailey wanted to see the Butterfly house and ride the carousel. We traveled to Joshua Tree National Park which was incredible and something different than I have ever seen. The Joshua trees were intersting and the rock formations even more interesting. We checked out a few local parks which the kids love to play outside. The kids had a great time spending time with their papa, my dad. At the end of the trip, Hudson starting to whisper papapa, so cute! Our trip was a success, but it was great getting back home to daddy, we missed him.

My husband remodeled our bathroom which turned out beautiful. He is amazing with tile.I will post some before and after photos. I get to take my first shower in it today. I am glad God made my guy to have awesome talent with tile and the know how to be construction savvy. I love you honey MKISA!!!!

Easter is this Sunday, which is also my sister and bro-in-law's anniversary. Happy Anniversary they are getting to go away for an evening and I am watching my nephew Josiah. My mom is watching my niece Sophie. This Easter is different than past Easter's Jon and I are getting rebaptized, which sounds wierd, but God has us in a totally different place than we were a few years ago and we wanted to go public with showing our faith and how God has worked in our lives. The book Crazy Love has shown me how much God is crazy in love with me and how I can be crazy in love with him on a daily basis. If you want a good read pick up this book today, it has changed my life. Happy Easter to everyone and hope that you celebrate Jesus' resurrection on the cross, he shed his blood for you and me. Have a great one!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

4 Really???

I was discussing with my husband the other day on where did four years go. Pretty soon we will blink and our precious daughter will be sixteen. Bailey was born four years ago today at 10:32am in Grand Island, Nebraska at St. Francis hospital. She weighed in at 8 pounds 10 ounces and she was a week early. I wonder what she would have weighed if my water had not broke, and she went to her due date which was St. Patrick's day March 17th. Bailey is my lovey is what I call her. She got this name awhile ago, I don't know how I just know it fit her. Bailey loves on everyone she knows. She loves to give hugs and kisses and is lovely in everything she does. In four years it actually has gone pretty smooth. Bailey has been a healthy toddler. It is hard to say toddler, because she is so tall and mature for her age. Most people think she is 5 or 6 years old since she has been 3 years old. Bailey's interests are....her brother Hudson which she loves and adores on daily, tea parties, playing with her barbie's and my little ponies, anything outdoors to riding on her new bike she got for her birthday to playing in the dirt or with bubbles, dance, singing songs, playdoh, painting, any arts and crafts she can get her hands on, preschool and her friends, church, and she loves reading her bible every night with daddy or mommy, and so much more!!!!!

This year for parties we had her first tea party birthday at a special place called 3 Cups of Tea in Bothell. The service and everything at the tea shop was amazing. Bailey invited 8 other girls to join her for her birthday party. The girls had passion orange tea in beautiful glasses, heart scones with whipping cream and jam, petite fours, a story was read, cupcakes, and just the whole experience was a lot to take in for the little girls. My husband captured some great photos. Great place to have a mom's day out or morning out for tea and crumpets. An awesome place for tea parties for your little girls.

With all of this said....I can't believe my girl is 4 today. I love her from the time she was made in my tummy to her arrival and now. My daughter is a masterpiece which God created and a girl who loves life. I am so blessed to have Bailey in my life. I love you baby girl, Happy Birthday, cha cha cha!!!!! Love, your mommy always

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Shoes for the walking lil man

Time to retire the Robeez for Hudson. I love them my dad bought them, but Jon and I picked them out. They are blue with monkeys on them. So fitting for him. He is a little monkey man. I have been looking online to buy shoes for Hudson off and on in my spare time, which is rare. I like See Kai Run shoes. My sister bought a pair for my niece when she was walking and they did her really well. She wore the See Kai Run shoes out. I like that they have a flexible sole and with Hudson he has a high arch on the top of his foot which makes it difficult to put shoes on without jamming his foot into the shoe. I spend more money on my kids shoes than I do shoes for myself. I want them to have good shoes for walking and running.

On See Kai Run's website there were some shoes on sale but not in Hudson's size. I am glad I did not buy them online, because I really wanted to try on a pair first to see how he would fair in them. My dad bought a pair of sketchers, but he knows I had to take them back due to being too small and they were kind of clunky and big and Hudson was having a hard time walking in them. After taking the other ones back, I had the money to put towards the See Kai Run shoes. My dad does not know yet, but I think he will be happy with the purchase, so I hope. I love all the names of the See Kai Run Shoes. Hudson ended up with the Eric ones. Here is a pic of them. He is cruising all over with these shoes. On the bottom of the shoes it says, See Kai dance, run, skip, hop..... I know you do not see the bottom of the shoes because they are taking up pavement, but I thought what a cute idea. I wish they made See Kai Run shoes for adults, I would have a pair.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Be Still.......

Oh, it has been an interesting week in the Anderson household. Check out my new background, it was called "Home." I liked it and needed a change. My hubby helped with the color combos. I titled this Be Still, because that has been the message for me for this last week and until now. Last week our family was trying to get to Phoenix on President's weekend. Wish we would have known it was one of the busiest times to pass ride. Pass riding means you are on standby to see if there are any seats left after those who have already booked their tickets who get a seat regardless. I am going to try and make this short. My blogging tends to be lengthy, I am working on these details. To make a long story short we did not get on the plane, God's blessing in disguise even though it made my little Bailey girl cry because she did not understand why we could not go see her Grandma Pat. We missed a friends birthday too, Happy Birthday Mikey, so sorry we had to miss.

I woke up Thursday morning to the worse back pain I have ever experienced. My parents have chronic back pain and I only got a smiggon, if that is a word, of what they may deal with most of the time. I was literally walking crooked and every little move I made I hurt, I cried, I was in pain. Went to the dr's and she suspected a possible herniated disc. With my hubby playing Mr. Mom for 5 plus days it was so hard for me to see him go back to work. He did come home today in the afternoon to help out. I cannot sit for long periods of time without discomfort in my lower back. My sleep last night was horrible. I am hoping for a more restful nights sleep. I had my first MRI yesterday. It was not a fun or enjoyable experience at all. I relied on God during this experience by singing praise and worship music and focusing on my kids and hubby. 15 minutes in that machine felt like forever. I just got the dr call back about my results and I do not have a herniated disc but I have a bulging disc. I am not for sure about the difference. I guess that a bulging disc is better than a herniated one. I am waiting to hear back from the dr. on call since my dr. is on vacation of what to do in the mean time. Going back to my title God has shown me in my devotion time and prayer time to be still. I am supposed to concentrate on him and give him the time that I am usually busy and running from here and there to him. I have in my kitchen the verse Psalm 46:10 which says "Be still and know that I am God." Luke 1:37 hit home for me too. I have this verse stickered to my living room wall. "For with God nothing shall be impossible." I look at this verse so many times a day, but until now I realize I look at it and God speaks to me through that verse.

Today's devotion read Thank Me for the conditions that are requiring you to be still. I am supposed to thank him in my pain and suffering. It finally hit me, he sent his son to suffer on the cross for my sins, my wrongs, for me. Here is some of the rest of the devotion...Do not spoil these quiet hours by wishing them away, waiting impatiently to be active again. Some of the greatest works in My kingdom have been done from sick beds and prison cells. Instead of resenting the limitations of a weakened body, search for My way in the midst of these very circumstances. Limitations can be liberating when your strongest desire is living close to Me. Much more on that devotion but I gave the little bit of it. All I could think about before reading this devotion is how can I get better faster. God does not want this to be a speedy recovery he wants me to spend time with him like I have never before.

If you go about your day and not give that time to him he will find a way to have time with you even if it is uncomfortable or painful for the time being. I have been reading a book in my women's study group called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan this study was exactly where God wanted me to be. I am wanting to have that Crazy love for my savior Jesus Christ, because he is crazy in love with me.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Little boy will be turning 1 on Monday, January 25th

I need to get back to regular blogging, so sorry if people have checked out my blog and I have not updated in forever. I guess I can say I have been busy, everyone has their own definition of being overwhelmed with stuff to do.

Hudson will be one years old tomorrow, Monday January 25th, I do not know where a year went, honestly. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital and starting all over again with a little baby. Hudson Tait Anderson was born at 2:57am on Sunday January 25, 2009. I should not say little boy, there was nothing little about him. He weighed in at 9 pounds 14 ounces. Looking back at my labor and delivery I remember finding so much strength in God during my delivery it was an amazing experience. Natural child birth is the way to go if at all possible. I remember every morning after bringing him home his big sister Bailey would ask where Hudson was. I would tell her he was sleeping in his bassinet. Bailey fell in love with her brother at first sight. The bond they have right now is so sweet and I love watching her teach him all she knows. Hudson then went from a lil one to falling asleep in his swing to crawling and putting everything in his mouth. Hudson now at almost a year has mastered the crawling and now he is an avid climber. Later in life this will serve him well. Hopefully he will be an avid hiker or rock climber. The Anderson family likes to hike. We will be venturing out this Spring and Summer on hikes around Washington State. Having a son is so different than a daughter, not just their sex, everything!!!! Hudson captures my heart in a totally different way then my daughter Bailey. Bailey being my first born is my sensitive, loving, kind hearted to all, and empathetic. I could go on forever about my kids, but to try and keep this shorter I will not. Hudson is adventure, never know what is going to happen, and what kind of pickles the boy will get into. Hudson though is so loving towards his sister and mommy and daddy. He can say "dada," really good, but also knows how to say "momma." Watching the two of my kids play and be kids is my joy and great blessing as their mommy. Happy Birthday big boy, I love you from the time I found out I was pregnant....and the rest is history. Have a great day my little man. I love you always. Mommy