Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Prep & Landing

So when I saw this for the first time I couldn't help but think that my family would enjoy it also. Little did I know my daughter Bailey would fall in love with the elf movie, as she calls it, and would want to watch it almost every night when I get home. Not that this is a bad thing, I truely enjoy spending whatever time I do get with my family any way they would like. Besides when I see her face light up or her sitting with her brother in the chair (all snug in their beds), it really tugs those heart strings.

You see Prep & Landing came at a good time for me as I've been dealing with alot of stress and now health issues (shhh: High Blood Pressure). So when I did have a chance to slow down I watched this little Disney show. As I watched it I thought to my Saturday Morning Men's group I go to at church and how we just talked about "Entitlement" and how we all tend to think that we are due to a better life than what we have just for what we've done.

People: We haven't done anything!

For me: my kids, wife and I still have a lot to learn in life and we have a lot to give and just when we think we've given enough the Big Guy tends to give us something new to work on.
  • I know I'm doing good with my walk with God but I can't quote you specific verses besides John 3:16. I know a lot of them I just can't tell you where to go, specifically, to find them. =Work on being in His word and a student of His ways.

  • I know I have a few friends (370some on Facebook) but I don't really know any of them as well as I should. =Work on being with people.

  • I know I'm married and I have a loving wife that cuddles and kisses but as we taught the Fire Proof study I couldn't help but think I'm barely out of grade school when it comes to knowing everything about my wife. =Work at being a better husband.

  • I know my kids love me and look up to me but they're both under the age of 4 and I'm only just begining. =Work at becoming the teacher, mentor and leader they will need in life.

  • I know in order to do these things listed above I need to give up a lot of things I may have had planned in life or things that are not bennificial to anyone but me. =Work at living a selfless life.

There are a ton of more things I could list here but as Wade (Call Sign: Little Drummer Boy) finds out in Prep & Landing, what we do is not about us or where we are at in life. It has to do alot with who we're with and how they're effected. So here's to the end of this year and to the begining of a new one. How should we make it through 2010, by using Bailey's most used quote:

"Laughing all the way my friend, laughing all the way."

P.S. The link to watch the show is posted but if it does not work for you copy and paste this one:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Giving in a time of economy yuckiness

Christmas will be here soon before we all know it. It sneaks up on us even though it comes the same time and day every year. This morning when I left the house my van needed to be warmed up to clear the frost away, it was a chilly one at 34 degrees. I am ready for snow. I love the snow. I may not be ready for 22 inches of snow again like we had last year, but I am ready for snow.

This blog is a little different than most, due to I usually dicuss what my family has been up to lately. I can tell you a little what we have been doing but want to focus on giving and what that means to me. We have our tree up, decorations done, and lights were hung a few days ago. My husband had gone and bought LED lights this year $80 worth I know it would have saved maybe some money in the long run, but I made him take them back, okay I did not make him, he knew we could not keep them. We needed the extra cash to try and get our emergency fund back up so we are not tredding water anymore. We need to live like no one else so we can live like no one else in the long run of things. Dave Ramsey quote for you all. We have tried to do his money makeover but have selfish desires take over. Well, when your husband's health has a little spin to it and you have to try and make a little cash go a long ways until next pay period, there is nothing more than to get rid of our selfish desires and take control of our finances. Since making certain decisions lately that will change our future down the road, we know it is just a season in our life we will overcome through God's grace and love for us. God gave his son for us and we are forgiven of our sins. I am so thankful I have Jesus as my Savior. I would definitely be in a different place than I am today if I did not have him. God has given us a second chance to get our finances under control. We do not have credit card debt anymore, but have a tough mortgage payment due to our choices we made 2 years ago. God has blessed us in so many ways and he always has provided our needs. Our church this holiday season has showed me in so many ways how to give back to the community in not always financial ways but other ways. GCCC is giving away Christmas trees this Saturday for those who have lost their job, A Tree for All is what they have called it. Our small group will be giving in some way back to the community with a service project. I am so blessed for the church my family is apart of they are so giving in so many ways and are truly passionate about reaching the lost.

We have been teaching Bailey about giving and she took so hardly used toys to church last weekend to give to our Peru Mission to the children. I had her put the toys in the box to give. Bailey came to me the other day and said we needed to take some canned food to her preschool. Her preschool is collecting food for the local food bank. I am so thankful for this holiday season and for us as a family financially are working through our tough times but realize their are other families who have had to go through some really tough times this last year.

"Be Still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10