Saturday, October 3, 2009

MIA-Fall Happenings

I bet everyone thought she will never blog again. I thought too. We have been having computer virus errors on my side of the computer and I have tried getting onto my blog through my husbands side and no luck either. I am on vacation and thought I would try my inlaws computer. It works, stinky virus!!! I have not blogged since July I believe. A lot has happened since then. Hudson is now 8 months old and standing up and crawling everywhere. I can't keep in out of anything. He has also ventured to finding our stairs he climbs 2 of them. He loves cords so daddy has had to baby proof everything. What is it with boys and cords and electrical stuff? I love Fall it is one of my favorite times. I decorated before leaving on our trip to Minnesota and Nebraska. All that is left to do is go to the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins. We go to The Farm in Snohomish WA. Love it there. It will be our 3rd yr. there. They have a cow train, corn maze of the State of WA, fishing for kids, petting zoo of lots animals, duck race, pigs,etc. They have an awesome gift shop that I could buy lots of stuff if money was not an issue. Corn on the cob that is yummy and other yummy food. Our camera broke too so I have not posted any recent photos of the kids and our family so sorry. Hope to get a new camera soon. I miss taking pics of my kids. Hudson also has been talking his favorite words are "dada, mama, and bababa whatever that means. Bailey started preschool this Fall which she loves. On the first day of school she did not even kiss me goodbye, made me sad. I will post some pics when we get a new camera and I will try and stay up on this a little more. That is all the news I have so far. Oh, Hudson has 2 teeth on the bottom, working on more. I hope he sleeps soon.