Friday, December 26, 2008

Snow, Snow, Snow!!!

It has been snowing forever here in the Northwest. We did make it to all of our Christmas gatherings despite the snow. Here it is a day after Christmas and we are getting dumped on again. Our trash man has not come in 2 weeks we may have to go on a dump run. After Christmas you have twice the amount of trash you normally have. I said I would post new photos so I had to write more about snow. I will never forget this Christmas because of the snow, and that I am 8 months pregnant, and now awaiting when my little guy will arrive. We wanted to go shopping today, baby shopping for a car seat and stroller and many other things. Since it is down pouring of snow this will have to be postponed. We truly had a blessed Christmas and enjoyed time with our family. We ate way too much. I still have cookies, cookies, and more cookies left over. Wishing those who have traveled in this safe travels back home or to their destination if they still have not made it to their final destination. I am so thankful we did not have to fly anywhere this year in all of the snow and crazy weather. Enjoy the photos of snow. I guess I cannot complain about the snow because this means I can be doing lots in the house that I have been needing to get done. Happy Snow!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Winter Blizzard

Now being a Seattlite, and the weather forcasts a winter storm warning is this something I should be concerned about? I grew up in the Midwest and so did my husband for the most part of our lives. When it says it will snow and freeze no big deal in the Midwest. When it says a "Winter Storm Warning," here in Seattle it means go to the grocery store get last minute food items, generator ready to go, matches and candles, flashlights ready to go with lots of batteries, firewood if you have a fireplace etc. Power outages are common in the Northwest during the winter months. I am hoping this does not happen though. The anticipation of a storm is getting to me. Between 4pm-7pm we are supposed to get hit. We had planned to go to the Nutcracker performance tonight, but we will see if they cancel or not. The temperatures here have been cold, not has cold as the midwest like we were used to, thank goodness!!! So cold, our line to our washing machine has froze and we have had water everywhere. We are also in need of a hot water heater too. When Murphy comes to visit he comes to visit, for all the Dave Ramsey fans out there. Well, I will post some pics of our snow now and then we will see later what happens.....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

32 weeks and counting.....

My dr's appt went well. I have gained another 7 pounds, I am really feeling this! I am at my weight I was when I had Bailey. What does this mean? I am either eating more, and gaining more weight, or he is a bigger baby, who knows. I have some adema going on, swelling in hands and feet. I am supposed to rest during the day and drink more fluids. I like the resting part, which is not like me to rest for long periods of time. Thinking about Christmas stuff I need to do, getting his room ready, taking care of Bailey, and all the other domestic engineer stuff I need to do, rest? The drinking more fluid thing, not a good thing because then I have to go to the bathroom constantly. My baby boy is already head down, which has created some more back pain and not sleeping. I have to say though although this has happened I have had a pretty smooth pregnancy thus far. Due date either the end of January or first of February. Any bets yet? Post them up! My friends in Phoenix did this and offered a $20 gift card to the one who bets the closest to the actual birth of my son. I don't know if I have $20 extra bucks to give away, but I could do a Starbucks card for $5. Coffee on me!!! That is the best I can do for now.

I went to Target today to look for curtain rods for his room and found the cutest truck tie back hooks, (in his colors) which I am going to have to get. His room is coming together. I will post pictures at a later time. We are saving on using Bailey's crib and changing table and I have got hammie downs from my sis-in-law, thank you so much! My sister and Aunt threw me a shower so I am doing pretty good in the clothes department for my little guy. They also had at Target little canvas boxes for odds and ends that would match on sale, could not buy because budget says I can't, so I will have to wait for extra money!!! Baby boy clothing is growing on me, cute stuff, still not as cute as girl things, but not bad.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The true meaning of Christmas! Celebrate this holiday season with family, friends, and making memories. Enjoy the season.

Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1st, 24 days left before Christmas!

I can't hardly believe Christmas is soon approaching. We just got back from a weekend at the mountains and there was a little snow at Steven's Pass on the way but that was it. I love snow and I love the winter time. We have already decorated our tree and Jon is putting out the lights today. Bailey said while decorating the tree, "I love you tree!" This is what the holiday season is all about. I actually got choked up about it. She really reminds me to enjoy the simple things in life and take in each moment. We have also made a gingerbread house together. She loves the candy so I had to put it up where she could not get to it, due to candy missing!!! Bailey will be making some presents this year for the grandparents. I want to give in other ways this year and teach her what Christmas is all about. Christmas is not about the presents, the snow, Santa Claus. It is about our Savior being born on Christmas day and how special this day is. We read the Christmas story every Christmas since Bailey has been born. It is called, "Room for a Little One." The book is sitting up by our nativity scene. Bailey has her own nativity scene in her room this year, because she was wanting to play with the breakable one her grandma and papa gave to us our first Christmas in Phoenix. At church, Bailey will be debuting at her first performance of Jingle Bells and Away in the Manger on December 14th. She has Jingle Bells down, but is still working on Away in the Manger. I am so excited for her. We will be taking lots of pics and video.

Enjoy your holiday season and find time to enjoy the simple things of life and not get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the season. Holiday cheer to everyone!!!