Thursday, December 11, 2008

32 weeks and counting.....

My dr's appt went well. I have gained another 7 pounds, I am really feeling this! I am at my weight I was when I had Bailey. What does this mean? I am either eating more, and gaining more weight, or he is a bigger baby, who knows. I have some adema going on, swelling in hands and feet. I am supposed to rest during the day and drink more fluids. I like the resting part, which is not like me to rest for long periods of time. Thinking about Christmas stuff I need to do, getting his room ready, taking care of Bailey, and all the other domestic engineer stuff I need to do, rest? The drinking more fluid thing, not a good thing because then I have to go to the bathroom constantly. My baby boy is already head down, which has created some more back pain and not sleeping. I have to say though although this has happened I have had a pretty smooth pregnancy thus far. Due date either the end of January or first of February. Any bets yet? Post them up! My friends in Phoenix did this and offered a $20 gift card to the one who bets the closest to the actual birth of my son. I don't know if I have $20 extra bucks to give away, but I could do a Starbucks card for $5. Coffee on me!!! That is the best I can do for now.

I went to Target today to look for curtain rods for his room and found the cutest truck tie back hooks, (in his colors) which I am going to have to get. His room is coming together. I will post pictures at a later time. We are saving on using Bailey's crib and changing table and I have got hammie downs from my sis-in-law, thank you so much! My sister and Aunt threw me a shower so I am doing pretty good in the clothes department for my little guy. They also had at Target little canvas boxes for odds and ends that would match on sale, could not buy because budget says I can't, so I will have to wait for extra money!!! Baby boy clothing is growing on me, cute stuff, still not as cute as girl things, but not bad.


Jina said...

My guess for Baby Boy Anderson's arrival is January 22. I hope it brings me a free latte!

Love you guys!

Anderson Fam said...

You are the first to pick a date. I hope you get it too!!! It was great talking to you the other day. We got snow!!! Will post photos soon. Love ya!

Melanie said...

Looks good Heather!

I will read it in a bit. Gotta work out quickly b4 the girls get home from school. we are bracing for an ice storm.

hugs, Mel

Melanie said...

Ok, I had to read since there's coffee on the line. Is that good for Nebraska friends too? haha

I'll say February g'mas bday and ground hogs day. :)

Anderson Fam said...


Thanks for reading. Of course you count, even if you live in Nebraska. I have you down for Feb.2nd. I am feeling so uncomfortable right now. The last month is so hard. We are supposed to get a blizzard storm too, we will see. We have food, water, and heat so we are good so far. Heather