Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Winter Blizzard

Now being a Seattlite, and the weather forcasts a winter storm warning is this something I should be concerned about? I grew up in the Midwest and so did my husband for the most part of our lives. When it says it will snow and freeze no big deal in the Midwest. When it says a "Winter Storm Warning," here in Seattle it means go to the grocery store get last minute food items, generator ready to go, matches and candles, flashlights ready to go with lots of batteries, firewood if you have a fireplace etc. Power outages are common in the Northwest during the winter months. I am hoping this does not happen though. The anticipation of a storm is getting to me. Between 4pm-7pm we are supposed to get hit. We had planned to go to the Nutcracker performance tonight, but we will see if they cancel or not. The temperatures here have been cold, not has cold as the midwest like we were used to, thank goodness!!! So cold, our line to our washing machine has froze and we have had water everywhere. We are also in need of a hot water heater too. When Murphy comes to visit he comes to visit, for all the Dave Ramsey fans out there. Well, I will post some pics of our snow now and then we will see later what happens.....

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