Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Birth of a Son

Heather would like me to announce the birth of our baby boy,

Hudson Tait Anderson.

Hudson was born on January 25th, 2009 at 2:57 am. He weighed in at 9 pounds 14 ounces which is 2 shy of a full 10 pounds. He measured approximately the same as Bailey, our 32 month old, at 21" long along with a 14" head. He currently has strawberry blond hair but we shall see if and when that will change. He has been sleeping pretty much since he came into the world and is now in his mother's loving arms.

I am extremely proud of my wife as she did all of this with only 2 tylenol for a head ache, otherwise she had no pain medicine of any kind. It was truely the power and strength of God that help "push" our way through this adventure. The main thing I remember telling Heather and praying for was for God to give her strength and relief from the pain and that "Through Him all things are possible".

Please take a look at the attached photos and share with us in our time of great rejoicing. For God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers and we will be in touch through every means possible.

God Bless us All and Thank you Lord for this Wonderous Miracle.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Almost 39 weeks and counting!!!

I had my dr's appt yesterday. I was hoping for change this week since I went walking 3 times last week to get this labor going. My nurse said if there was no change to cry and maybe my dr. would give me good news regardless, hehehe! Well, I did not have to cry because I am 3 cm dialated and 70% efaced. My baby boy is still kind of high but he is in position. This was the best news I received all week. I have had so much pressure and contractions off and on all last week. My dr. thinks I will see him again before next appointment. I am really hoping I see him. He had 4 deliveries last week, it is my turn, right? My friend Jina from Phoenix guessed the 22nd of this month, she may be the winner of Starbucks coffee. My baby is plenty big enough to come out, at least 8.5-9 pounds, yikes! Bailey was 8 pounds 10 oz. and a week early. The Anderson family makes big babies, I think my husband is proud of this.

I am totally going for the epidural this time around. With Bailey I thought I would be superwoman and do it without. It was a gruling process, but at the end I had a wonderful gift waiting for me. My beautiful baby girl Bailey. Bailey will be 3 years old in March, I cannot hardly believe this. I look at her when she sleeps and think, "where did the time go?" She will be my little helper. Through this last month Bailey has asked lots of questions anywhere from pertaining to breast feeding to car seat, stroller questions, about going to the hospital, and using my bellybutton as a microphone to talk to her baby brother, too cute! When he has kicked me really hard I let out a moan and groan and she tells him, "you be nice to my mom." She is my little protector. I hope the next time I post I will have had my little guy. Thanks for everyone's prayers and thoughts truly appreciated.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Olive Garden experience and hopefully my last post before having baby.

We went to the Olive Garden last night since we had a gift card to use and I did not want to cook being as pregnant as I am. I walked in while Jon parked the car, he dropped me off at the door, which was so sweet. I have walked 3 times this week and no baby still. Here I am blogging again. So.....Olive Garden, walked in and put our name in it was going to be a 30-45 minute wait for dinner. It was packed at the restaurant. I walk over to where the benches are with the cushy seats to find a seat, but the seats were plum full of others waiting for their table to come available. Here at 38-39 weeks pregnant I stand against the wall by all of these people and they stare me down, I wonder what they were thinking. Probably something like...."Wow, she looks like she may pop." Something to that nature I am sure was going through their minds. You would think that one of them out of 8-10 people would be so kind to give up their seat for me, since they all saw me in the condition I was in. Ohhhh no way!!! They sat and sat. When finally someone's table was available I got to sit. This drove me crazy. I could not believe not one person asked if I would like to sit down or take their place.

I have been so tired lately that my patience for all things has completely consumed me. I try and be as patient as I can, but really just want to hold my precious little baby boy and welcome him into the world.

Monday, January 12, 2009

38 Week appointment

So here I sat and waited for my routine check-up and wanted so bad to be dialated more than what news I received. I am still 1cm dialated, but I am 50% efaced. I got sick this morning because there is no room in there. It does not matter what I eat or drink at this point in my pregnancy journey, everything gives me heartburn. I have tons of pressure down there and some braxton hicks contractions, but I guess that is it. I think I may start walking soon to speed things along. I did this with Bailey and I went into labor that evening, but I had been having contractions with her off and on all day then my water broke that night. Hopefully my water will break this time around too so then I know I am in labor and it is time to go to the hospital. My husband has been sweeter than sweet. Brought me home flowers on Saturday morning and a huge Jamba Juice smoothie. I crave cold stuff all the time. Smoothies and Cherry Icee's are my favorite. I am so blessed to have such an awesome husband. He has been a real trooper through my moaning and groaning and whiny behavior lately. At 6am one morning I was not feeling good I wanted one of my icee fixes and he went out and found me a grape one, it wasn't cherry but it was good!!! Thank you husband of mine you are the best!!!!! Hopefully the next time I post I will have had a my baby.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

37 weeks.......

I had my 37 week appointment yesterday. I was not supposed to go to the dr's until Wednesday of this week January 7th, but I was not feeling well this past weekend. My iron levels were checked again, and finally they have gone up to where they need to be. I got the results this morning. When my dr measured me he said, "big baby." I asked what this meant, he said "at least as big as your last baby." Bailey was 8 pounds 10 oz. a week early. Any guesses on the weight and when he is due. I did post awhile back I would send a $5 coffee on me card to Starbucks whoever wanted to give their guesses on his due date you can add the weight if you want to too, if your nice about it. When my dr. checked me yesterday I am 1 cm dialated already, dr. said he would be here early. What does this mean? I wait!!!!! It feels like I have a small melon stuck between my legs and I am just waiting for him to come. I see my dr now on a weekly basis, so we will see what will happen come next Monday.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Baby Boy Anderson's room

His room is pretty much complete. I am very excited how it turned out and how I did not spend a lot of money. We used Bailey's crib and changing table, and rocking chair for him. My aunt bought me his Pottery Barn transportation set for his bed and from there is where I got ideas for his room. I got some stuff at consignment stores, the white shelves used to be Bailey's. The curtains I got at Pottery Barn and got a killer deal on them. $8-$12 each panel, sweet!!!! My sister and aunt threw our family a shower so we are set in the clothes department, blankets, and odds and ends. My sis-in-law from Nebraska who is my best friend sent me all of my nephews clothes when he was a baby, so I scored big!!! Thank you so much for the nice shower-Amanda and Yvonne and thank you Brandi for the hammie downs!

I am definitely in the nesting stage of pregnancy. I am so ready to be done. I have had this awful numbness/cramping in my hands for weeks now, especially when I sleep and it will not go away. Sleeping has not been the best for me. Last night I was up until midnight with dragon heartburn forever! To all you mom's or soon to be mom's you know what I am talking about. It does not matter what you eat it all burns later. We get a tour of the hospital tomorrow in Bellevue. I was 36 weeks on Wednesday and see my dr. next Wednesday so we will see. I have our bags almost packed for the hospital, bought a car seat, Jon has already installed the seat so now it is Wait Time!!!! Bailey got a book about being a Big Sister from my Aunt Lorenna and just loves it, it is a must read every night before going to bed or nap. She is definitely getting excited about being a big sister. My husband and I are going on our last date night tonight before baby, because we know it will not happen for a long time after he is born. Date nights are so important to Jon and I and they definitely spark your marriage even when I am 36 weeks pregnant I look forward to eating dinner and going to a movie with my hubby with no interruptions. Our date is free because my mom and sis are watching Bailey for us and Jon got a gift certificate from work for dinner and a movie. No money gone there! Enjoy the pics of Anderson boy's room.