Monday, January 12, 2009

38 Week appointment

So here I sat and waited for my routine check-up and wanted so bad to be dialated more than what news I received. I am still 1cm dialated, but I am 50% efaced. I got sick this morning because there is no room in there. It does not matter what I eat or drink at this point in my pregnancy journey, everything gives me heartburn. I have tons of pressure down there and some braxton hicks contractions, but I guess that is it. I think I may start walking soon to speed things along. I did this with Bailey and I went into labor that evening, but I had been having contractions with her off and on all day then my water broke that night. Hopefully my water will break this time around too so then I know I am in labor and it is time to go to the hospital. My husband has been sweeter than sweet. Brought me home flowers on Saturday morning and a huge Jamba Juice smoothie. I crave cold stuff all the time. Smoothies and Cherry Icee's are my favorite. I am so blessed to have such an awesome husband. He has been a real trooper through my moaning and groaning and whiny behavior lately. At 6am one morning I was not feeling good I wanted one of my icee fixes and he went out and found me a grape one, it wasn't cherry but it was good!!! Thank you husband of mine you are the best!!!!! Hopefully the next time I post I will have had a my baby.


mikeo75 said...

Jon rocks!

Hang in there Heather, any day now1

Anderson Fam said...

My hubby does rock!!! He is special!!! I hope it is soon. The neverending heartburn is driving me batty!!! Thanks Mikey!