Saturday, January 17, 2009

Olive Garden experience and hopefully my last post before having baby.

We went to the Olive Garden last night since we had a gift card to use and I did not want to cook being as pregnant as I am. I walked in while Jon parked the car, he dropped me off at the door, which was so sweet. I have walked 3 times this week and no baby still. Here I am blogging again. So.....Olive Garden, walked in and put our name in it was going to be a 30-45 minute wait for dinner. It was packed at the restaurant. I walk over to where the benches are with the cushy seats to find a seat, but the seats were plum full of others waiting for their table to come available. Here at 38-39 weeks pregnant I stand against the wall by all of these people and they stare me down, I wonder what they were thinking. Probably something like...."Wow, she looks like she may pop." Something to that nature I am sure was going through their minds. You would think that one of them out of 8-10 people would be so kind to give up their seat for me, since they all saw me in the condition I was in. Ohhhh no way!!! They sat and sat. When finally someone's table was available I got to sit. This drove me crazy. I could not believe not one person asked if I would like to sit down or take their place.

I have been so tired lately that my patience for all things has completely consumed me. I try and be as patient as I can, but really just want to hold my precious little baby boy and welcome him into the world.


Jina said...

When I was pregnant, I too was amazed how often the kindness of a stranger did include me. Maybe we are getting more and more selfish as a culture. I guess we'll have to do something to change that. Come on little boy... come see us soon.

Melanie said...

Oh now that just stinks! So sorry.
Hope you are feeling well today. I bet you look AWESOME. They must not have thought you looked all that big...that explains the lack of kindness to a 38 week prego.

Love you...Miss you!