Thursday, February 26, 2009

4 1/2 weeks old

Wow, does time fly when you have 2 kids! I have not had a chance to blog more due to being mommy to 2 wonderful children. Hudson will be 5 weeks old this Sunday. I try and take in every moment of the baby stage with him. I love to watch him sleep, eat, swing, and look all around when he is not doing any of the above mentioned things. Bailey is a huge help around the house and with Hudson. Bailey says, "I am glad we had a baby." I tell her, "me too." Bailey is very much into the why, how, what, where???? stage in life right now. Bailey loves to ask questions about fire trucks, fire, fire extinguishers, fire alarms etc. We have ventured to the library to try and find books on fire, DVD's etc. We only found one book and one movie, but they have kept her content so far. We were shopping one day in Carter's store for children's clothing and she found an extinguisher and said, "mommy this is like the one on my puzzle." She wants to be a firefighter when she gets older, she is almost 3 so we will see how many times her occupation changes until adulthood.

A princess party is in the making for her 3rd birthday. I will be making a Princess castle cake. I love making her birthday cakes. Last year she was into trains so I made a train cake, it turned out better than what I imagined it could. We will see what happens to the Princess cake. She has her Grandma Pat and Papa Larry coming from Nebraska to see her for her birthday and to visit Hudson too. I am going to keep this post short, because I need to get a few more things done before the kiddos wake up from their naps. I love being a mom, even though some days are challenging. God has blessed me with 2 amazing children.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I just can't get over Hudson's name...LOVE IT!!

You sound great Heather. I just love the stage of Liv too. She keeps us in stitches.

Have fun with the princess party!