Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Princess Party, Need I say More.

Bailey had her princess party this last weekend and boy oh boy I think it was a hit. We had 6 princesses running around our house. They made princess castles out of recyclable materials, colored Cinderella pictures, ate pizza, present time, and ate princess castle cake. After all said and done, it was a success but I was pooped! I forgot how much work birthday parties are. We all had a lot of fun. Bailey's grandparents from Grand Island Nebraska came and visited for the weekend event and to see their grandson for the first time. Bailey ended up getting 4 Barbie dolls. I thought barbie dolls came later like at age 7, but at 3 years old she has 4. She got a lot of Princess type gifts too. I now will be going through old toys to find what we can get rid of for our garage sale that will happen in May. Enjoy the rest of the day. We are going to the mountains this weekend with friends. It will be a great get-away since we have no funds for extended trips like going on a cruise, or California, or somewhere hot and sunny. My aunt and uncle's cabin is the best for a weekend get-away. It only costs us gas to get up the mountains. Thanks Aunt Yvonne and Uncle Bill for letting us stay up there, looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Jina said...

Does that mean you aren't going to be able to come and see me anytime soon? :) Love you guys lots! Enjoy your weekend!