Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oh The Funny Things Kids Say.....

Bailey is 3 years old. 3 year olds are so funny to me. Maybe not all 3 year olds are like this but she keeps life pretty interesting. One evening recently she was in the bathtub and asking about boobs, or for correct terms breasts. Bailey did not like that her boobs were small. I told her when she gets bigger she will probably have bigger ones. Bailey told me she did not want big boobs she wanted princess boobs. I cracked up! I then had to proceed and ask what princess boobs were, I was very curious. Bailey said like, Cinderella, Ariel, Aurora. I then said, "oh."

Yesterday we were talking about eyes and I told her I love her blue eyes and that daddy has the same eyes. Bailey said she did not want blue eyes and wanted pink eyes. Can you guess what her favorite color is?

We have been recently reading out of her children's bible almost everyday. She loves to hear the stories and talk about them. Last night she said she liked Jonah so I discussed with her the story of Jonah and getting swallowed up by a whale because he did not obey God when he was asked to go to Ninevah. I learn more from reading out of her children's bible then mine sometimes. I can remember the stories better and what God is trying to teach us.

My friend scored 4 free tickets to the Wiggle concert. Bailey loves the Wiggles. She had a great time, but was getting tired toward the end of the concert. Bailey wanted to see them on the floor seats, and kept asking to go down there and why we could not go down and see them. I took lots of pictures. She danced and sang a lot of their songs. It was a Wiggley good time. One of the better kid shows I have seen. Bailey and her friend Clara had a great time. I will post pics later.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Yes, that cracks me up. Liv makes the same kind of comments. We have boob conversations too. :)

Olivia's fav color use to be "princess". Now it's dark pink and dark purple, I think that is still princess.

Have a good one!